The other night, I was not sleeping. Actually, there have been a few “other nights” lately that have involved a lack of sleep.

There wasn’t anything in particular keeping me awake the other night. Just the fire, aka the demise of democracy as we’ve known it.

You know, no biggie.

So yeah.

As I was lying there, awake AF, I was trying to center myself spiritually. I had already meditated for a bit, as meditation can sometimes calm down the chattering ape that my mind becomes in moments of unrest.

But alas, the ape was still at it.

So I tried a different tactic.

I thought back to the Sunday after the election. Melissa and I were at the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle that day, doing the talk and music. We’d had a different talk planned for the morning, but when things went the way they did that week, we switched it up.

We gave a talk about how, sometimes, what seems to be the worst thing that could possibly happen ends up opening doors for new possibilities.

At the risk of sounding wildly narcissistic and self-referential, the words I spoke that morning came back to me.

“When hard things happen, that’s when it’s time to cling to our spiritual sight, to cling to our spiritual vision. Because where we see chaos, Spirit sees opportunity. Where we see destruction, Spirit sees new beginnings. And where we see closed, locked, boarded shut doors, Spirit sees pathways to deliverance.”

Strangely enough, it made me feel better.

It was weird to have my own words calm me down, but quickly I realized why.

In order to prepare for that talk the weekend after the election, Melissa and I had to center ourselves deeeeeeeeeeep in spiritual awareness. We didn’t have time to wallow and freak out. We needed to provide support for others, and the best way to do that was to clear out the muck and center ourselves in Divine perspective.

It was from that place that those words came.

I realized as I lay there, my inner ape no longer chattering away, that I need to do everything I can these days to access my spiritual sight.

I know that activating this sight looks different for everyone, but for me, it means a few key things:

Meditating every day.

Reading inspirational books.

Eating good food.

Walking in nature.

Hanging out with people I love and respect.

And, last but nowhere near least, limiting my exposure to news. Getting enough information to stay informed and take action when needed, but not so much that I get knocked off my spiritual center and teeter into despair.

The ultimate essence of reality is Love.

When I’m in my spiritual sight, I know this. When I’m not, I don’t. It’s as simple as that.

Staying centered in Spirit allows me to bring an awareness of Love’s essence to my entire life. To everyone I come into contact with. And to my country and the planet as a whole.

Walking through the fire of life in the U.S. right now means keeping the cool waters of Spirit available at all times.

It’s the only way through.

How are you walking through the fire? Share your comments below!

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