Season of Action

Season of Action

To everything, there is a season. This includes the season of action. Sometimes I just need to do something. Take action on an overdue project. Try a new way of approaching an old problem. Or simply get up and move around when I’m feeling stuck. Today I look for those...
Spring Cleaning of Emotions

Spring Cleaning of Emotions

Mixed feelings are exactly that – a rich mix of emotional states. As with all feelings, the best thing is to simply let them be. When I have mixed feelings about something, I can allow those feelings to express and move through me. Once they are safely on their way, I...
Change AI Not Needed

Change AI Not Needed

Telling my life to stop changing is like standing in a river and demanding that it stop flowing. Good luck with that! Accepting the ever-changing nature of life puts me in a position of immense power. It opens my life to a flow as mighty as the mightiest stream ever:...
Fun Plus More Energy

Fun Plus More Energy

Fun is a key component of my well-being. Luckily, I have a unique, innate driver that leads me to a joyous life. But I have to pay attention to it. I do this by noticing what sounds vibrant and alive, and doing that whenever possible. When I listen to these cues, I...
Choose Wisdom Within

Choose Wisdom Within

Being human is a trippy experience. I have access to an infinite core of wisdom within. At the same time, I have access to a seemingly infinite number of things to fret and stew about. Luckily, that core of infinite wisdom is the truest thing about me. When trivial...

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