Becoming Awake

Becoming Awake

Voices of authority are everywhere. Some I trust. Others I don’t. Some I trust for a while, and then I don’t. Staying in discernment about whom to trust is an incredibly valuable process. When I am awake and aware, I build a strong rela­tionship with my own inner...
Ear Drops Not Necessary

Ear Drops Not Necessary

Spirit is always speaking to me. Am I willing to listen? Today I step up my listening skills. Before everything I do, I check in. What does Spirit need me to know? Some of the messages may surprise me. Acting in faith means acting on messages that make no sense. As I...
Exit the Stress Train

Exit the Stress Train

Stress is no fun! When I’m stressed, I tend to feel over­whelmed. It’s hard to see things in their proper perspective. That’s when little tricks, like taking a ride in an imaginary hot air balloon, come in handy. Up I go, high above my stressful situation. I’m...
Become a Witness

Become a Witness

Nature knows what it’s doing. It doesn’t have to think about it. It doesn’t need to have daily meetings to figure out how to make the streams run and the rains fall. Nature is a system, a system sparked and sustained by Spirit. When I go outside, I can feel this. I...
Spreading Joy Is Permitted

Spreading Joy Is Permitted

Every time I am kind to someone else, I am an angel. Every time I am kind to myself, I am an angel. Every time I send someone a loving thought, I am an angel. My angel capaci­ties are endless. I share them with the world today. How can I help? How can I uplift? How...

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