You’re Made of Stardust!

You’re Made of Stardust!

I have lots of different voices in my head. Some are really helpful. Others? Not so much. My fear voice and my low self-esteem voice are closely related. Ultimately, they’re trying to keep me safe, but they do so at the expense of my growth and expansion. I am...
Time for Releasing

Time for Releasing

Is there room in my life for new good? Are there clunky, old ideas blocking its way? Today I take a look. Do I need to replace my old beliefs of unworthiness with new ones of deserving? Do I need to swap out notions of scarcity with new ones of abundance? It’s never...
Enjoy the Process

Enjoy the Process

Moving forward means sometimes I stumble and fall. That’s part of the process. When I realize this, I don’t have to beat myself up for something that is a natural part of moving forward. What a relief! Now I can enjoy the process. Now I can even enjoy falling. It...
Transport to Gratitude

Transport to Gratitude

Grumbletudes can be alluring at times. What’s wrong with complaining a little? Especially when I feel like I’ve been wronged, or someone is being especially annoying. But Grumbletudes are like mice: they tend to reproduce at an alarming rate. Before I know it, I’m...
Choose Sweet Street

Choose Sweet Street

If I’m about to go into an internal freak-out about something, I can pause. I can take a breath. This is a powerful moment of choice. Yes, I can traipse down Angst Alley and get my knickers in a serious twist. But there’s another way. When I remember to be gentle with...

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