My childhood is gone. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t live on in me. Any abuse or neglect I experienced as a kid needs to be unearthed and healed. If I haven’t done this work yet, today I can begin. If I’ve already done a lot of healing work, today I can send my...
Technology is a miracle. Taking a break from technology is also a miracle! When I give myself time to step back from all sources of electronic communication, I allow myself time to connect with another amazing source of communication – me! When it’s just me, parts of...
Nothing is more beautiful than hearing someone who has discovered their own song. Whenever I feel timid or shy about who I am, I remember this. As more of us discover our unique songs, more of us sing our songs for the world to hear. As we sing out, we inspire each...
Learning to love myself is a process. I may have been taught as a child that thinking highly of myself was bad. But self-love comes from Spirit. When I truly love myself, it is not vain or problematic. It is beautiful! There are so many ways to love myself. I can...
From the time I was a baby, I have tripped and fallen. And then I’ve gotten up. When I was little, getting up was simply what I did. Today, I remember that resilience. Falling is simply a part of moving forward. It happens, and it’s no big deal! I pick myself up and I...