Dear Meli, The holidays are upon us. Yikes! I know everyone loves Christmas – or a lot of people do – but I’m not one of them. My mom died a few years ago, and ever since then my older brother has taken over being the host for Christmas. My brother...
Dear Meli, I’m having a problem with forgiveness. It’s not forgiveness of someone else I’m having a hard time with – it’s forgiveness of myself. In my last relationship, I cheated on my partner. Looking back, my ex and I both now...
Dear Meli, I’ve always been different than other people. I don’t like parties. I’m not interested going out all the time. My husband is the exact opposite. If he had his way, we’d be going out every night. I keep thinking I need to push myself...
Dear Meli, Since I was a kid, I’ve seen myself serving in a big way. The vision I saw as a kid was me on a stage, in front of thousands of people. The work I’m doing now seems to be leading in that direction. But I keep worrying that it’s my ego...
Dear Readers, This is a post I wrote and posted on Facebook a couple weeks ago. And now I want to share it with you. 30 years clean and sober is turning out to be a huge milestone for me, changing me in countless ways. Enjoy! Love, Meli 30 Years of One Day at a Times...