Dear Meli, 

So, we’re having a pandemic! I am currently stuck at home, working full time from my computer. I’m used to a vibrant office with lots of people, and now I’m home all the time. To make matters worse, I’m home with my husband, who is driving me craaaaaazy. He’s working from home right now as well, but his job isn’t as intense as mine or he’s not working as hard, or something, because he’s wanting to hang out all the time and I can’t and it’s driving me batty. Oh, and I’m terrified about the world situation. And one of my friends has been sick and he’s in an at-risk group. Meditation usually helps me when there’s a lot going on, but it’s hard to focus right now. So yeah. It’s a lot. Help!

Pandemically Pissed

Dear Pissed,

Goodness! These strange times have had quite an impact on your life!

As I read your note, I heard an old phrase from my growing up years (from traditional church-going days) play through my head: “Peace be with you.” And I do wish you peace, my friend!

Times like these, so unusual and unique and scary and strange, can be triggering. That’s without any other stress at all! The current global situation alone is enough to add stress to life. Add to that the specific stressors you mentioned, and there ya’ have it – a recipe for intense stress!

My best recipe for detangling and unwinding that kind of stress is to do as many of the following things as I possibly can – every day, if possible:

1) Meditation. I mean, meditation is wonderful as a regular practice. But in times like this, I suggest lengthening your time spent in meditation if you possibly can. (I mean, you’re not driving to work, right?) But it’s also great to slip one-minute deep-breathing moments throughout your day as well.

2) Do all you can to get plenty (or more than plenty) of sleep and rest.

3) Eat healthy foods. There is a tendency to eat unhealthy, addictive foods when stress arrives. And yet, it’s exactly the wrong thing to do if one is looking for relief. Eating unhealthy food adds stress short-term and long-term as it sets the taste-buds off down a less beneficial track.

4) Exercise. Yoga and stretching are great. Moving your body is great regardless of what kind of exercise you do. Whatever brings you the most joy. Dancing to inspiring music is a favorite of mine. But moving each day will be very helpful. Exercise can often go together with the next suggestion for a double-dipping improvement tactic.

5) Get outside if and whenever possible. Breathe some fresh air. Walk, run, or just sit and do nothing. Take a 2-minute stroll out your front door between tasks. Any bit helps.

6) Watch funny parodies about these times on YouTube. They can be very helpful and entertaining.

7) Be gentle with your sweet self about how impatient you feel!

8) Listen to music you love. SING ALONG!

Basically, anything you do that (or anyone you spend time with who) makes you feel good? Do more of that! Zoom, Facetime, Marco Polo or any app that helps you connect to those you love and enjoy. And anything that (or anyone who) doesn’t? It’s a great time to lessen or remove it/them.

And, finally, perhaps the BEST thing you can do is watch or listen to as little news as you can. Engage less in social media as well. It’s good to know what your current responsibilities are, of course. And knowing what’s going on in the world is easy to do without going down a rabbit hole of listening to everyone’s opinions about it, or watching stories woven together with pictures and sound. I notice for myself that I wished I hadn’t even seen a picture of the shape of “the virus.” I mean, seriously. How does that serve me?

There’s a term I heard describing the spread of the anxiety virus. It’s called social contagion. And it’s a real thing. And anxiety is likely more contagious than the Co-vid virus itself.

Thank you so much for writing and being honest about your experience!

Be well, my dear. Wishing you radiant vitality, peace, and joy.

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


What is your experience with the coronavirus and being at home? Share your comments below!

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