Information is available to me from many sources, without and within. While the information available to me from outside sources, including technology, can be incredibly valuable, nothing beats the information that is available to me from Source within. Taking a break...
An encouraging word can come from anywhere. A dear friend who knows just what to say. A song on the radio. A random passage in a book or magazine. Or it may involve no words at all. The purr of a cat. The smile of a child. The delicate dance of leaves on a tree. Today...
Today I use the sun as my role model. I shine, shine, shine! In order to do this, I may need to release old judgments about myself. Are there any outdated ideas I’m hanging onto? Things I was told in the past that have nothing to do with who I really am? If so, I...
Sometimes the illusion of time serves me well. Like when I’m getting to know someone. I know that I can’t reveal everything about myself all at once. I need to discover if the person I’m revealing myself to is trustworthy. I also need to discover if I want to build a...
The older I get, the more I allow myself the freedom to do what I want. Just because a lot of other folks do something on a particular day in a particular way, it doesn’t mean I have to. If the timing of certain activities at certain times of year works for me, great!...