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Life in Z-D

Using Vibrations to Set Boundaries with Others

Using Vibrations to Set Boundaries with Others

No, I’m not talking about using vibrational currents to zap others and keep them away. Though that does have its benefits. I’m talking about using an awareness of vibration to be more discerning about whom you spend time with. I’ve been aware of the concept of...

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Using the Enneagram for Personal and Spiritual Liberation

Using the Enneagram for Personal and Spiritual Liberation

There are lots things to say about the Enneagram, a spiritual personality system comprised of nine ways of approaching the world. But the most important thing to know about it is this: The Enneagram is like Kryptonite to the ego. Just like that alien mineral had the...

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One Cool Thing You Can Do to Increase Your Prosperity

One Cool Thing You Can Do to Increase Your Prosperity

When you think of increasing your prosperity, especially if you’re one of us woo-woo types, there are probably a few things that come to mind. Vision boards. Affirmations. Deep, intrapsychic explorations to root out and eliminate any and all blocks to receiving...

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The Rogue Affirmation That’s Healing Me

The Rogue Affirmation That’s Healing Me

Everyone who knows anything about affirmations knows that they’re supposed to be positive. Otherwise they’d be negamations, and those aren’t helpful in creating positive change. Right? Yeah, but. I’ve had success with rogue affirmations in the past, and it’s happening...

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My Big Takeaway from Michelle Obama’s “Becoming”

My Big Takeaway from Michelle Obama’s “Becoming”

How awesome is Michelle Obama’s “Becoming?” If you’ve read it, or are currently reading it, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t read it yet… What? You need to rectify that ASAP! Melissa and I have been listening to “Becoming” as we’ve been traveling....

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Your Problem Is the Opposite of What You Think

Your Problem Is the Opposite of What You Think

Do you have any problems? Okay, that’s a stupid question. We all have problems. But our problems are often not what we think they are. Over the years, I’ve found that a lot of my problems have ended up being almost the exact opposite of what I thought they were. Case...

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Here’s a Way to Hack Your Meditation Practice

Here’s a Way to Hack Your Meditation Practice

I know, we don’t usually think of the words “hack” and “meditation” in the same sentence. Meditation takes time and discipline. Trying to hack your meditation practice is like cheating at solitaire. What’s the point of trying if you’re just going to cheat your way out...

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Gender-Rich: An Expression Whose Time Has Come

Gender-Rich: An Expression Whose Time Has Come

I am gender-rich. It took me a long time to figure this out, but once I did, a lot of things fell into place. I’ve already talked about what I used to describe as my gender-flexibility. I’ve discussed how this flexibility affects my choices of footwear. And my ability...

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