Hey, we’re having a bit of an Arockalypse these days. I call it an Arockalypse because all of our lives are getting rocked upside down. Some more than others.

(If you’re reading this Post-Arockalypse, there’s always something going on that has the potential to rock your world. So everything that follows still applies.)

Everyone is having their own unique Arockalypse experience. And every single one of us is asking the same question, often untold times a day

I’m one of those people who does not like a mystery. I want to know things ahead of time. Plots to movies. Ending of books. You name it, I wanna know about it.

In this case, however, I am being denied some crucial information. We all are.

And that’s where my handy Nature Metaphor comes in.

You know the whole Clouds Covering the Sun thing? It’s a metaphor that’s been used countless times to remind us that, even when we can’t see the sun, it’s still there.

It’s a good metaphor, but it bugs me sometimes. Like, I wanna see the sun now! Yeah, I guess it’s there behind the clouds, but the clouds are still making everything look pretty gloomy. And I don’t want gloomy. I want SUN!!

(I.e. the ability to roam freely through the world without a mask and the unending fear that I and everyone I love is going to die!!!!!!!)

Ya feel me?

The other day I was watching the sky. (Because I have time for that kind of thing these days.) There were puffy little clouds, doing their thing, blocking the sun.

And then I saw something, something I’d seen countless times before, but had never noticed in quite the same way.

The clouds were moving.

A constant, steady motion.

The clouds are always moving.

The Sun is a guaranteed outcome.

(Unless you’re in Portland in the winter months. Then you might want to google ‘sun’ to remember what we’re talking about.)

One thing folks say in Clouds Covering the Sun times is “This too shall pass.”  But sometimes that can feel like a theoretical not-really-real thing. There I was, being shown this thing.

The clouds are always moving.

When I’m in the middle of it – like in the middle of an Arockalypse, for example – it can feel like it’s never going to end. Statements like “This too shall pass” can feel kinda annoying.

But all I need to do is go outside and look at the clouds. There is movement. Change is happening, even if I can’t see it in whatever Arockalyptic situation I find myself in.

Because that’s the thing. There’s always some sort of Arockalypse happening. In our relationships. Or jobs. Or sometimes the Arockalypse is primarily in our minds. Sometimes our minds look a whole lot like Portland in the winter months.

That’s when Spiritual Practice comes in handy.

Spiritual practice moves the clouds.

Meditation. Prayer. Reading spiritual texts.

And, as it happens, we have time for such things these days!

Interesting, hmmm? It’s one of the benefits of the Arockalypse. The whole Life Turned Upside Down is allowing space to examine that Life from a whole new perspective. Everything looks different when it’s upside down.

And that’s when the lens afforded by spiritual practice is soooooooo helpful.

It can allow you to, for example, go outside and look at the clouds and have a whole revelation about the movement of the clouds and get all excited and feel At One with the Universe.

For example.

Also, some stuff in the Upside Down world is actually better. Like blue skies where there used to be pollution. Or coyotes and bobcats roaming freely through Yosemite. Or less time at a job you hate and a chance to reexamine your entire existence. For example.

Again, spiritual practice moves the clouds.

We have the opportunity to spend time in contemplation. We can ask ourselves: What parts of the Arockalypse do I want to keep? What parts do I want to discard?

These are the questions to ask right about now.

And when you get your answers?

The clouds will show you the way.

How are you doing with the Arockalypse? Share your comments below!

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