Let’s say there was a global pandemic. And let’s say that, in order to curb the pandemic, people were encouraged to practice social distancing.

Oh wait. It’s not a hypothetical.

It’s real.

Here’s another not-hypothetical-but-real fact:

The Universe is always for us, not against us.

I know, I know. Given all the chaos and fear and 24/7 news cycle, it can be hard to find the For Us in all the apparent Against. But it’s there. I promise.

Like this: One of the silver linings in this whole mess is social distancing.

As an Enneagram 5, I am verrrrrry familiar with social distancing. Social distancing is an art form for 5s. (If you don’t know anything about the Enneagram, go here and here and here.)

As a Loving-Social-Distancing 5, I would like to share some of the ways you can leverage this Seemingly Inconvenient And Against You circumstance into one that is profoundly For You.

Like this:

1. Turning Within

Social distancing is a break from your normal routine. As such, it has the power and potential to be a wonderful Spirit Break.

When we’re out in the world, it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves. Turning within to connect with our inner life is a practice as old as time. And yet, many of us resist it.

If we turn within, what will we find? We might need to confront difficult emotions. Or parts of ourselves we don’t like.

True that.

And turning within, including the confrontation of uncomfortable emotions or realizations, is one of the very best ways to touch base with something larger than ourselves.

Something Divine.

2. Spiritual Practice

Social distancing gives us a chance to deepen our spiritual practice. Sure, we might need to rewatch all our favorite shows on Netflix first. But when that’s over?

Time to reach out to Spirit.

Maybe it means trying a new practice. Maybe it means resurrecting an old one. Or maybe it simply means deepening a practice you already have. Whatever it means, now is the time to do it.

3. I/Thou Relationship

Every person on this planet has a unique relationship with the Divine. (Even atheists have a relationship with the Divine. To deny something is still to be in relationship with it, even if it’s a relationship of denial.)

Social distancing is a chance to dive into the I/Thou relationship.

What does Spirit feel like to you? What does it look like? What is your name for Spirit? If you don’t know, ask It to tell you.

If you feel like you don’t have a relationship with the Divine and you’d like one, ask It to help you connect with It. Magic shit can happen with a request like that, I’ll tell you what!

4. You Can Do It

Things are intense right now. Everything might be feeling difficult, including this whole social distancing thing. And these suggestions for social distancing as a spiritual practice.

But you know what? You don’t have a choice. Spirit is giving the entire planet an opportunity to rest. To go within. To connect more deeply with It.

And I don’t know about you, but if Spirit thinks something is a good idea, I pay attention.

Also? When we use these steps and strengthen our relationship with Spirit through social distancing?

We realize that we are all One in Spirit.  

And from that realization, we feel more connected to our cohabitants on this planet. More connected than ever before.

And, paradoxically enough, social distancing helped us get there.

Cool, right?

Here’s one more hypothetical:

Let’s say that everything in this blog post is totally correct and you should heed my advice and do all four steps right now.

You guessed it: Also not-at-all-hypothetical-but-totally-true.

You’re welcome!

What’s your experience with Social Distancing? Share your comments below!

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