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How Do You Stop Sabotaging Yourself?

How Do You Stop Sabotaging Yourself?

Dear Meli, I recently got a promotion at work. That sounds great, right? And it is. But here’s the thing: The day after my promotion, I fell and broke my arm. I’m a landscape architect, and I need my arms to work! I will still be able to fulfill the duties of my...

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My Big Takeaway from Michelle Obama’s “Becoming”

My Big Takeaway from Michelle Obama’s “Becoming”

How awesome is Michelle Obama’s “Becoming?” If you’ve read it, or are currently reading it, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t read it yet… What? You need to rectify that ASAP! Melissa and I have been listening to “Becoming” as we’ve been traveling....

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Can I Do A Gratitude Practice If I’m Not Grateful?

Can I Do A Gratitude Practice If I’m Not Grateful?

Dear Meli, I have a good friend who's super happy all the time. He suggested that I try doing a daily gratitude practice so that I'm happier too. But I have a hard time with that. I don't often feel grateful. I have a lot of hard things going on in my life - with...

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Your Problem Is the Opposite of What You Think

Your Problem Is the Opposite of What You Think

Do you have any problems? Okay, that’s a stupid question. We all have problems. But our problems are often not what we think they are. Over the years, I’ve found that a lot of my problems have ended up being almost the exact opposite of what I thought they were. Case...

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How Do You Get Motivated?

How Do You Get Motivated?

Dear Meli, How do you deal with motivation? Like, being motivated to do things? I seem to have a hard time getting myself to do almost everything, including spiritual practice. I always feel better when I do it, but it usually feels better not to. Or easier. Or...

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Here’s a Way to Hack Your Meditation Practice

Here’s a Way to Hack Your Meditation Practice

I know, we don’t usually think of the words “hack” and “meditation” in the same sentence. Meditation takes time and discipline. Trying to hack your meditation practice is like cheating at solitaire. What’s the point of trying if you’re just going to cheat your way out...

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Can You Be Too Proud of Your Success?

Can You Be Too Proud of Your Success?

Dear Meli, I have what may be a weird problem. After five years, my business has really started to take off. Needless to say, this is pretty exciting! Except for one thing. I'm starting to get worried that I'm getting a big head. I'm feeling really excited about our...

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Gender-Rich: An Expression Whose Time Has Come

Gender-Rich: An Expression Whose Time Has Come

I am gender-rich. It took me a long time to figure this out, but once I did, a lot of things fell into place. I’ve already talked about what I used to describe as my gender-flexibility. I’ve discussed how this flexibility affects my choices of footwear. And my ability...

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How Do You Deal with the Other Shoe?

How Do You Deal with the Other Shoe?

Dear Meli, I'm a good little manifestor! I meditate, I pray, I say affirmations. And guess what?! They work! Lately, I've been having lots and lots of demonstrations. Things that I've wanted for a long time - and have been praying and affirming for a long time - have...

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How Important Is Talent?

How Important Is Talent?

Talent is a mysterious thing. Some people are born with prodigious amounts of it. Others, not so much. In other words, talent is something we either have or we don’t, and if we don’t have it, tough luck. Right? Well….. Not really. Yes, it’s true that certain levels of...

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How Can I Stop Bickering With My Spouse?

How Can I Stop Bickering With My Spouse?

Dear Meli, My wife and I have been together for over 30 years. She is my favorite person in the world. We have 3 kids together, all grown and out of the house, and now it's just us. Even though I love her, it seems that we have gotten into a pattern of bickering. A...

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