My Big Vision

Dear Meli, 

Since I was a kid, I’ve seen myself serving in a big way. The vision I saw as a kid was me on a stage, in front of thousands of people. The work I’m doing now seems to be leading in that direction. But I keep worrying that it’s my ego that wants my vision to be big. The whole “bigger is better” American rah-rah thing. How can I know what’s my ego and what’s Spirit, when it come to my vision?

Baffled By Bigness

Dear Baffled,

It’s fabulous that you have that awareness of the “bigger-is-better” American way. And that you’re avoiding falling into that!

And I agree that sometimes it can be challenging to know when we’re being guided by Spirit’s call, versus our ego’s call.

One clue is that your vision came to you when you were young. This alone makes it more likely that it’s Spirit’s idea, in my opinion. And the fact that the vision given to you as a child is still your vision?! Another clue.

One friend of mine said it to me this way: “If you hold to the biggest vision, you’re safe no matter what!”

She went on to explain:

If we’re given a big vision, and we avoid doing what would align us with the manifestation of that vision, we’re not aligning with Spirit! We’re saying no in an attempt to be careful not to live from our ego’s motivation.

On the other hand, we can allow ourselves to listen to Spirit’s call and follow Spirit’s invitation (in the form of our intuition and compelling desires). If the vision is actually our ego’s idea, and not Spirit’s, it won’t likely happen anyway! But if the vision is, indeed, a Divine idea for our soul’s highest expression, Spirit will have what It needs to bring the vision to fruition.

Another friend pointed out something I find entertaining. I was sharing with her my similar concerns, including my worry that my vision was from ego, not Spirit.

She said she thought my worry and concern was actually motivated by my ego. She thought that my resistance to the vision was my ego wanting me to stay small, to not become all that my soul has in Mind.

In other words, it was actually my ego telling me to not get “too egotistical” by following Spirit’s idea! My ego was telling me that not following Spirit’s idea would somehow make me a more likable or a better person. But “likable” or “better person” is highly subjective. Especially if those criteria are measured by the ego!

And who’s to say you can’t be fabulously successful and a completely good and likable person? Although trying to be a perfectly good person can be a real trap, too. But I’ll save that for another Dear Meli.

For now, I say to obey the bumper sticker and Follow Your Dreams. It could very well be that the desire is the Divine!

Be well, and enjoy the ride!

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


What is your experience with ego and vision? Share your comments below!

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