Dear Meli,

My life is really great. You know why? Because spiritual practice works! It’s so exciting to have new ideas and inspirations, and then have them manifest. There’s only one thing: Now it’s created a new problem for me. I have too many wonderful things in my life. I know that’s a weird thing to say, but it’s true. I never feel like I have enough time to participate in all the amazing things I’ve manifested in my life. Maybe you have some advice for me on this?

Too Much Good

Dear Too Much,

What a fabulous challenge to have, right? I am familiar with the scenario. And, yes, YAY YOU for all the spiritual work and evolutions in consciousness that have led to this “issue!” Well-done!

My best answer is that I suggest you take this challenge into your spiritual practices, directly.

For instance, meditate on the experience of having a perfectly well-balanced experience of life, including plenty of spaciousness. Acquaint yourself intimately with what it will look like and feel like for you when you have this! Picture some snapshot moment that will represent this spaciousness and imagine yourself having that experience.

Clarify the details. The sights and smells and sounds of it. How will you emotionally feel about that moment, and your life, when you are having that experience?

You can also pray about this issue. Ask for help and be open to receiving it.

Write, say, and sing affirmations about it.

Clearly, you are successful at creating good in your life. This is simply the next level of good to come! It’s already on its way to you as you become clearer about the details and feelings – and as you apply your spiritual mojo to it. So, congratulations in advance!

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


What is your experience with too much good and not enough time? Share your comments below!

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