A while back, I did a post about the Enneagram. I’ve been studying the Enneagram for years, and I love it. It’s a fascinating personality-typing system that also helps with spiritual growth. The Enneagram is great way to find out what makes you tick. And what makes...
Setting boundaries is both really hard and really easy. If you’re not used to setting boundaries, they’re really hard. You try to set them, then feel guilty, then change your mind, then unset them. Which only makes it even harder to set them next time. On the other...
Those of you who have been following the “My Guru Has a Tail” series know that there have been not one, but two, Gurus. First there was Guru Lucy. And then there was Guru Max. What you don’t know is that, like with most Regime changes, the transition didn’t happen...
Wow. I just finished watching the Netflix series “Wild Wild County,” about the crazy times of Bagwan Shree Rajneesh and his followers in Oregon in the 1980s. While the documentary is not for everyone (it includes murderous plots and writhing naked “meditation”...
“Holy people don’t swear.” “Swearing pollutes your consciousness.” “If you swear, you’re very bad. And no one likes you. And you probably smell.” Okay, that last one was a stretch, but you get the idea. Swearing and spirituality are generally seen as enemies. Indeed,...
We all have them. No matter what vibration we’re normally groovin’ on, we all have people in our lives who are groovin’ – or not really groovin’ at all – on a much lower vibe. We also may be fortunate enough to have people in our lives who are groovin’ on a way higher...