I’ve been putting off writing this post for a long time.

I guess you could say I’ve been resisting it.


Ever since a certain someone moved to our nation’s capital, I have felt a pull away from my life as it was before November 9th, 2016.

Does this pull have a voice?

As a matter of fact, it does. Thank you for asking!

The pull’s voice goes like this:

The world is ending! Okay, not this very second, but Any. Second. Now. Rights are being lost. People are being hurt, torn from their families, denied their basic dignity as human beings. How can this be? And what am I supposed to do about it? There must be something I can do. Now. This minute! But WHAT?!?!?!?

I’m guessing I’m not alone in this. Actually, I know I’m not.

Some of you have been marching and demonstrating. Some of you have been donating to organizations that are working to change this country – and the world – for the better.

And me?

I’ve been doing the latter.

And not so much of the former.

Every time there’s been a march, we’ve had a gig. Or a deadline. Or some other engagement that has kept us from those front lines.

And I feel guilty. And sad. And confused about my place in it all.

The other day, in response to yet another invitation to #Resist that we can’t attend, I heard a little voice in my head.

The little voice knows what’s up, so I paid attention.

You need to do three things, it said.

One: You need to create works that will help inspire others.

Two: You need to share your creations.

Three: You need to allow time to rest and replenish.

That is all.

OK, I replied.

Though I still feel the pull.

I’m aware that part of my Create/Share/Rest mandate involves me being out as a queer, gender-rich individual in a world that does not always embrace my queer, gender-richness.

This outness includes speaking about the intersection between spirituality and gender-identity in talks and blogs and memes. It also includes speaking/blogging/memeing about social justice issues.

And yet I still ask myself:

Is it enough? Is what I’m doing enough?

I know that there are some who would say “No.”

But the still, small voice inside me says “Yes.”

The other day, I read a great article about how #Resistance can only take us so far. How we need to be creating something better, and not just pushing against what’s not working.

I love this.

As someone who pays a lot of attention to language, I’ve always been a bit, um, resistant to using #Resist to sum up a movement that is working for justice for all.

I’ve also been resistant to the hostility on both “sides.”

Ultimately, only Love is going to get us where we need to go.

Janelle Monae, a badass Creator, was talking with Stevie Wonder a while back. She was talking about how she gets discouraged, especially lately. He told her to turn on her voice recorder, in order to capture what he was about to say, word for word.

”You know, Janelle, listen. You’re not going to win with words of hate. That’s what your enemy is using. You’re not going to win that way. Even when you’re upset, use words of love because God is love. Allah is Love. Jehovah is love. So don’t let your expressions, even of anger, be confused or misconstrued. Turn them into words of expression that can be understood by using words of love.”

This gives me hope.

Stevie Wonder’s words inspire me to keep going with the Create/Share/Rest mandate I was given.

Now, this isn’t to say I’m not going to continue to donate to organizations that are advocating for justice for all. Indeed, Melissa and I have upped our giving in the last couple years.


I am sooooooo looking forward to voting next month.


Indeed, it’s another way to share the Love. To take a positive stand for positive change.

Like that.

I also know that everyone is called to #Resist in different ways.

And the ways I am called may change over time.

Perhaps in a month, I’ll be writing another blog about how my mandate has changed to Create/Share/March/Run For Office.

Whatever is mine to do, I’ll do it.

That’s one thing I don’t need to resist.

What’s your relationship to the #Resistance? Share your comments below!


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