What’s the Trick to the Law of Attraction?

What’s the Trick to the Law of Attraction?

­­ What do you do when something bad less-than-pleasing happens? Do you tell yourself: A) Bad things are always happening to me. Cuz I’m a loser like that. B) Bad thing? What bad thing? C) I caused it! I caused the bad thing with my bad less-than-pleasing...
What’s Better – Help from Seen or Unseen Sources?

What’s Better – Help from Seen or Unseen Sources?

We’ve all been there. Something goes wrong: We get hurt. Someone offends us. Our car runs out of gas. So how do we get out of trouble? Where do we turn for help? Do we look for assistance from things we can see – people, places and things? Or is it better to ask...
Here’s a Trick to Keep You Moving Forward on Any Project

Here’s a Trick to Keep You Moving Forward on Any Project

How many times have you had this happen: You start a brand new project. Maybe it’s a garden. Or a daily exercise routine. Or a rock opera about the lives of dyslexic mathematicians. Whatever it is, you get off to a roaring start. In fact, you make tons of...
How Not to Act in the Presence of a Celebrity

How Not to Act in the Presence of a Celebrity

What’s the best way to act in the presence of someone famous? Should you bow down at their feet in deference to their superiority and godliness? Or should you ignore them, proving that you’re not impressed by their status? Or how about a combination of the...

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