How Can I Feel Worthy of Abundance?

How Can I Feel Worthy of Abundance?

Dear Meli, I have been doing a lot of work on abundance lately. This might seem strange for people who know me, because if you look at my life you’d think I’m pretty abundant. But I’m doing prosperity work because I don’t feel worthy of my...
Change Your Clothing, Change Your Life

Change Your Clothing, Change Your Life

If you’re worried that this is one of those makeover posts where I tell you to start wearing power suits and pumps, don’t worry. I’m not going to do that! Unless power suits and pumps are part of the journey I’m going to talk about. In that case, power suits and pumps...
How to Cut Through the World’s Chatter

How to Cut Through the World’s Chatter

There’s a lot of chatter in the world. As I write this, we are moving through the end stages of a particularly stressful and contentious election in the United States. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s hard to find myself in the midst of the chatter. What’s...
Why the Mind Is Full of #$%@

Why the Mind Is Full of #$%@

Why do we insist on believing our minds? They steer us wrong again and again. And yet we continue to believe them. They predict the future. We believe them.   They make up stories about what other people think of us. We believe them. They enumerate our faults and tell...
How Do I Handle My Stress About Politics?

How Do I Handle My Stress About Politics?

Dear Meli, I’ve been very upset about politics. There’s so much hatred and divisiveness and it’s really stressing me out. I’m trying not to watch the news too much, but then I also get more worried when I’m not paying attention to...
Do You Have Covid Containment Syndrome?

Do You Have Covid Containment Syndrome?

Covid Containment Syndrome (CCS) isn’t a real thing. I made it up. Except it is a real thing, in that it describes a very real phenomenon that I, and many others, have been experiencing in relation to the Corona Virus. CCS is not experienced by those who actually have...

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