Dear Meli,

I’ve been very upset about politics. There’s so much hatred and divisiveness and it’s really stressing me out. I’m trying not to watch the news too much, but then I also get more worried when I’m not paying attention to what’s going on. It’s also been harder to focus on my spiritual practice, because I’m just so thrown off by everything that’s happening. Do you have any thoughts all about this?

Worried and Weary

Dear Worried,

Boy howdy, do I understand! It does seem that the division and divisiveness of politics have become more dramatic.

One thing I find calming is to remember that just as individual souls evolve, so do countries. When I put what’s going on in our nation into that frame, I can see difficult issues as a positive evolution.

For instance, what seems like ignorance and evil being expressed at a new level – when seen in this light – can be seen as the ignorance and evil that has always been present. It’s simply becoming more visible because it’s time for healing it now.

Have you had this happen in your personal life? I certainly have. Cruising along through life and then – wham – something hits me upside the proverbial head. This is a signal that it’s time, whether I feel ready or not, to deal with some old wound I’d previously not been aware was unhealed!

There has always been selfishness and greed by people in power, unjust and corrupt systems in place, racism, misogyny, bigotry of all kinds. Some might say that – by definition – politics has a vibration that is not in alignment with the Divine. I would say that there’s always an opportunity for a greater realization of, and expression of, divinity in and through all form.

When I see injustices that make my heart hurt, I can ask myself if these injustices are new. Or am I just seeing and hearing about them more now? Because if they are not new but I’m newly aware of them, it’s because it’s time for a healing! And that is good news! (I don’t mean to imply that it’s fun news. Evolution and healing is not always fun, but the results are!)

I agree that avoiding watching the news can be a way to make it easier to maintain a higher vibration. I have noted, for me, that when something dramatic goes on that I should know about, I always find out! It seems near impossible to remain totally unplugged from all that’s going on these days. This helps me to step away from the addictive drama of the media, and to dive more deeply into the peace that is always available.

One way to view things that seem wrong is to remember that we’re being shown what needs prayer and lifting up. We may well be shown an area (or areas) we need to take action on, as well! As we continue to hone our skill and ability to turn to Spirit and ask for clarity about what is ours to do, we will be shown. Sometimes the process of being shown can be upsetting. Spirit uses everything – including all our emotions – to guide us.

I continue to believe that greater love and greater good (in the form of justice and equal opportunities for all beings, and kindness as the habitual expression of each of us toward one another) is what we’re watching unfold. Often it seems like watching a movie. Including the scary parts that happen before the good guys figure out how to turn things around.

It’s a particularly rich opportunity to stand in the midst of this all and learn to maintain our spiritual faith. Perhaps we’re all ready for it, more than we’ve imagined? I mean, we do happen to be here now. And perhaps it’s those of us who are willing to stand for love, even in the face of ignorance and hate, who are the very ones that will help to figure out how to turn in around.

Spiritual practice is the best way I  know to be able to stand for love in the face of hatred. It’s not work for wimps, that’s for sure! But I believe it is possible. And the very fact that you’re asking the question may be pointing to the fact that you are one of those who can help Life Itself in the turning around.

May we all continue to master our ability to find Peace in the midst.

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


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