Covid Containment Syndrome (CCS) isn’t a real thing. I made it up.

Except it is a real thing, in that it describes a very real phenomenon that I, and many others, have been experiencing in relation to the Corona Virus.

CCS is not experienced by those who actually have the virus. CCS is virus adjacent. CCS describes the experience of living through a global pandemic and not having the virus.

See if any of this sounds familiar:

The global pandemic first hits and you shelter in place. As it turns out, this isn’t such a horrible thing. Especially if you’re an introvert. Suddenly, you have a reason to stay home. To not go out. At all. Except for going for walks, which are actually pretty chill, as the whole world has slowed down and it’s beautiful outside because, at this point, it’s still spring.

But, at the same time, there’s a lot of fear about the future. Concern for the health of yourself and those you love. Worries about the economy. Maybe people you know are getting sick. Or you have people in your life who are high-risk and you’re afraid they might get sick.

And then, at the same time as that, there might be other benefits emerging. Getting to work from home. Or connecting with loved ones through Zoom or other virtual platforms. Getting things done you’ve been putting off. Slowing down and taking stock of your life.

In other words, no matter how much of the above describes you, it’s a weird mix of good stuff and exceedingly crappy not good stuff.

Where does CCS factor into all this?

In my experience, and the experience of others I’ve been chatting with about this, CCS sets in when some version of the above has been going on for six months straight. With no end in sight.

There’s some good stuff and advantages happening, but there’s also a constant level of stress and fear. And it’s not letting up.

Fatigue. Irritability. Anxiety. Insomnia. Survivor’s guilt. Apathy.

These are just some of the things that I, and others, have been experiencing.

I wish I had a remedy for CCS. I do not.

But I do know that admitting we have it seems to help.

The other day, Melissa and I took a walk at our local park. We ran into two friends and had a nice, socially distant visit in the parking lot. All of us admitted to having thoughts and feelings similar to what I’ve been describing above. (It was, in fact, during this conversation that I came up with the term Covid Containment Syndrome.)

For me, just knowing that all of us were experiencing something similar helped me to feel less alone. And less crazy for feeling the way I’ve been feeling.

Survivor’s guilt definitely plays a big part in all this. I know that there are many folks who have been harder hit by the virus than I have. And complaining about having survivor’s guilt just adds to the guilt. Being able to admit all of this out loud can lessen the not-helpful shame that some of us might be inclined to heap on ourselves.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And wisdom to know the difference.

I cannot change the pandemic. But I can be honest about all my feelings and reactions to it. I can share my feelings and reactions with others. This helps to lessen the burden of CCS.

I’ve also found it helpful to remember to stay in the now. Now is place of power: Power to change those things I can. And power accept the things I can’t. Plus, it’s always now. So that’s cool.

Shaking out my body is another thing I try to do daily. It helps me release pent-up emotions, even if I don’t know what they are. Vocalizing while I shake it out helps with the process as well.

And then, of course, there’s spiritual practice.

Meditation. Prayer. Walks in Nature. Inspirational reading. All these things help remind me that there’s something Bigger going on. And I’m part of it.

Indeed, the fact that everyone in the world is going through this together is unifying in a way that many of us have never experienced before. The virus may be containing us to our homes, but it can’t contain our connection to each other. And to this beautiful planet.

Love. It’s the one thing that transcends CCS. And tapping in to the Love, within and all around, makes this whole thing easier to bear.

What’s your experience with CCS? Share your comments below!

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