Dear Meli, I have a history of fighting with myself, especially when it comes to my weight. Lately, I’ve been getting in touch with different aspects of myself, and I’m realizing that there’s a part of me that really wants to lose weight. But there’s another part of...
Are we born grateful? Or is it something we can develop? Great questions! Not surprisingly, I have answers to both of them. Also not surprisingly, I’m going to answer the questions by telling a little story. When I was in college, I had an experience that left a dark...
Dear Meli, I’m having a problem with forgiveness. It’s not forgiveness of someone else I’m having a hard time with – it’s forgiveness of myself. In my last relationship, I cheated on my partner. Looking back, my ex and I both now...
Dear Meli, Since I was a kid, I’ve seen myself serving in a big way. The vision I saw as a kid was me on a stage, in front of thousands of people. The work I’m doing now seems to be leading in that direction. But I keep worrying that it’s my ego...
Everyone who knows anything about affirmations knows that they’re supposed to be positive. Otherwise they’d be negamations, and those aren’t helpful in creating positive change. Right? Yeah, but. I’ve had success with rogue affirmations in the past, and it’s happening...
I’ve been meaning to write this post for a long time, but I kept putting it off. Kidding. I actually just thought of this the other day, so my composition of this post is not emblematic of the principle I’ll be discussing. That said, I have lots of experience with...