The spiritual path can be hard to follow. There’s the discipline of keeping to your spiritual practice, day after day. There’s the potential ridicule and/or misunderstandings from others in your life who don’t understand the spiritual path. But even when you’ve...
Let’s cut to the chase: I’m talking about assumptions. Assumptions suck. That’s why sayings like “Don’t make assumptions” make their way into books about powerful agreements that have the capacity to change your life. And we have groovy little aphorisms like “When I...
Who likes change? Not me. Not a fan. Change often feels like it’s happening to me. Like I have no control over it. It feels ruthless and relentless. Like an action movie villain, storming the town and burning everything in sight. Beware the Wrath of the Corrupt...
Dear Meli, When I was in my thirties, I started meditating every day. I loved it! I noticed the difference in my life immediately. I felt calmer and less reactive. It was an amazing difference. I kept up the daily practice for over two decades. And then…. I took...
Dear Meli, I am having a hard time adjusting to my current life. For three decades, I worked in the non-profit sector. I loved my job and found it fulfilling, but it took a lot of time and energy. My husband and I both recently retired and moved to be closer to my...
When I was a kid, I knew I was going into theater. I say knew, as opposed to dreamed about, because I was given a vision showing me exactly what was coming. It happened when I was seven years old. I was standing in my parent’s bedroom. Suddenly, in my mind’s eye, I...