The spiritual path can be hard to follow.

There’s the discipline of keeping to your spiritual practice, day after day.

There’s the potential ridicule and/or misunderstandings from others in your life who don’t understand the spiritual path.

But even when you’ve mastered the discipline and potential ridicule, there’s another part, one that can trip up even the most seasoned student:

Tapping into your intuition.

When I first started my spiritual path, I was in awe of those who had a clear, strong pipeline to their intuitive voice. They were like magicians to me, capable of feats of marvel and miracles on a daily.

I, a mere mortal, did not have that kind of relationship with my intuition. Or so I thought. Instead, I relied on oracles like the I Ching and astrology to help guide my path.

Looking back on it now, I can see that my use of oracles was a perfect step in the process. The more I used them, the more I had a sense of what they were going to say before they said it. I was able to compare their outside information with my inside information – my intuition. Which, it turns out, I did have a connection with. I always had. I just didn’t know how to listen to it.

The other day, Melissa and I were walking in Annadel park, here in Sonoma County. When we arrived, we were thrilled to discover that the goats were back!

For the last few years, the park management has been bringing flocks of sheep and herds of goats to graze on the grasses in the parks. This practice is a win-win-win. It keeps the land clear to help prevent fires. It feeds the animals. And it allows the parkgoers to observe and appreciate these marvelous creatures.

Melissa and I were watching a group of goats and listening to their bleating. Their voices sound like a cross between a laugh and a taunt. It’s marvelous. One after another, various goats were sharing their various voices with the sky and the land and each other. As they did so, Melissa and I were appreciating a couple of baby goats in the middle of the herd, grazing on grass.

In the middle of one of their baby-goat-chews, there was another bleat. But this bleat was different from the ones before. This bleat was from their mother.

In a flash, those two little goats took off in the direction of their mother’s voice. We didn’t know goats could move that quickly. The babies were reunited with their mom, and got a little milk snack to boot.

For me, it was a perfect example of listening to your intuition.

There are lots of voices, but only one is your intuition. Only one is designed just for you. Only one has exactly what you need to hear, exactly when you need to hear it.

The baby goats were able to hear it easily because they’re not carting around human minds to obscure that natural channel. They don’t have voices in their heads saying:

What was that sound? Was that my mom? Maybe. Maybe not. I think I’ll ignore it and keep chomping this grass. Even though I am getting a little thirsty. And I’d love some milk. But I’m not sure how I could get any of that right now. I’m such a loser! Other goats know how to find milk. But not me. Waaaaaaaaa. [Heavy baby goat sigh]

Not only were the baby goats able to hear their mother’s voice out of the crowd of other goaty voices, but they acted immediately upon hearing her voice.

That, to me, was the most inspiring part.

I have a lifetime of arguing with my intuitive promptings. I’m really, really good at explaining to my inner voice that the information it’s giving me doesn’t make any sense. And why I’m not going to follow it.

Of course, I always end up following it. And it’s always right.


And this, I submit, is why I am now a devotee of the Baby Goat School of Spirituality.

This school has just two rules:

1. Listen to the voice of your Higher Power.

In the case of the baby goats, it’s their mom. In our case, it’s that still, small voice inside that we all have.

If it’s hard to hear the voice at first, that’s okay. There are lots of way to cultivate a deeper relationship with our intuition:



Asking your Higher Power for a deeper connection with It.

Thinking about past experiences of following our inner knowing and listening for similar nudges in the present.

Using oracles and checking their information against our own inner knowing.

2. Acting on the messages that come from within.

We can argue. That’s our right. In fact, I think it’s often part of the process. Trying it “our way” and seeing where that gets us.

But when we’ve had enough of “our way,” it’s time for the baby goats’ way.

Listening. Following. No questions asked.

And the best part?

There’s always a snack on the other side.

It might not be goat’s milk. It might not be food at all. But it’s always something wonderful. Something more incredible than anything we could come up with.

What’s your experience with the Baby Goat School of Spirituality? Share your comments below!

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