Dear Meli, I hate my job! It’s boring and it sucks the life out of me. And before you say I should just quit, it’s not that simple. I work for a government agency, and I’ve built up a lot of time with them. In order to collect a decent pension, I...
My wife Melissa and I have been together over thirteen years. That’s not nearly as long as my parents, who have been together for over 60 years. (Hi, Mom and Dad!) And it’s not nearly as long as countless other couples around the world. Nevertheless, the past thirteen...
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Einstein said that, and he was kinda smart. But where is Einstein when I’m stuck in my problem-creating thinking? Hey, Mr. Smarty Pants. How do I get to the different thinking that’s...
I’ll never forget our first night in our travel van. We were staying in an RV park near the dealer so if anything went wrong, we could call them and troubleshoot. Great idea, right? Except something went wrong at 3 a.m. which is, as it turns out, not the best time to...
I love getting discouraged. It’s a wonderful opportunity to put my spiritual tools to use. Kidding! I haaaaaaate getting discouraged. It’s like falling into a dark, slimy hole. Everything was fine! I was doing so well! And then I tripped and fell into a horrible hole...
Dear Meli, I ended my last romantic relationship about five years ago. Since then, I’ve been doing tons of prayer and visualization work about bringing in my perfect partner. I know they’re coming – I can feel them. But sometimes I get discouraged. I...