Dear Meli,

I recently started dating a wonderful woman. I’d been in the dating pool for a few years since my wife died, and I didn’t find anyone I really connected with. Until now. There’s just one thing. My new sweetheart is an atheist. She doesn’t believe in any kind of spirituality. My spiritual practice is really important to me, and she doesn’t mind that. And we get along really well in every other way. But I’m not sure how I feel about having a partner who doesn’t share some kind of belief in a Higher Power. Do you have any thoughts about this?

Compatible But Confused 

Dear Compatible,

I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your wife. And I celebrate the new love in your life! Good for you for remaining open to the possibility of loving again, so that you could find your new person.

In response to your query, I’m tempted to say, “Some of my best friends are atheists.” Only because the moment seems to invite it. But, in all honesty, that’s not true. Most of my close friends believe deeply. However, they don’t all believe the same things I do! And I do have some friends in my life, whom I thoroughly cherish, who don’t believe in anything spiritual.

I do appreciate knowing that my spiritual temperament is honored by  my peeps. And I very much appreciate being able to share in conversations about spiritual things, when that’s welcome and beneficial. But I’ve had some fabulous times with my friends who call themselves atheists. They’re kind, loving, smart, funny, wise people with whom we share great conversation and interests.

Love is love, after all. And sometimes, love wins over all else. And that is that. Only you know if that is the case in this situation. Because there are likely people for whom this wouldn’t feel workable, even in the face of great love.

If I were in your situation, I might ask myself the following questions:

1) Does this person honor and support my need for spiritual time, and practices?

2) Do they show interest in my spiritual experiences or beliefs? (Not because they join me in them, but because they care to know and understand what I care about.)

3) Do they in any way criticize or demean my experiences or beliefs?

4) Does the difference in our beliefs ever cause a rift in understanding or communication in other areas? If so, can those misunderstandings be resolved?

And perhaps the most important question of all:

5) After I spend time with this person, do I generally walk away feeling joy? Or do I carry away the conflict of this difference between us?

I’ve met some couples through the years who are extremely different in some of their beliefs, be they spiritual or political, who remain passionately in love after decades of life together. That said, I know folks who simply need to share particular beliefs in order to feel at peace in their relationship.

Whatever you decide, I wish you great love and joy.

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


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