I love getting discouraged. It’s a wonderful opportunity to put my spiritual tools to use. Kidding! I haaaaaaate getting discouraged. It’s like falling into a dark, slimy hole. Everything was fine! I was doing so well! And then I tripped and fell into a horrible hole...
Dear Meli, I ended my last romantic relationship about five years ago. Since then, I’ve been doing tons of prayer and visualization work about bringing in my perfect partner. I know they’re coming – I can feel them. But sometimes I get discouraged. I...
Dear Meli, I’m having some problems with self-care. Actually, I don’t think that I have a problem with self-care, but my husband thinks I do. He worries about me. I’m a therapist and social worker, and I spend a lot of time caring for others. And I...
Letting in prosperity can be an uncomfy topic for us spiritual types. After all, Spirit is all about love and light. Twinkles and rainbows. It can feel like a contradiction to bring Spirit into a conversation about money, which – let’s face it – has a pretty dirty...
A while back, a local high school student sent me a bunch of interview questions for her research paper. The focus of her research was spirituality and meditation. As I was filling out my answers, I was struck by what great questions she was asking. This is a high...
Dear Meli, I recently started a plant-based diet. This diet is really working for me. I’m losing weight, I have more energy, and I’m feeling fabulous. There’s only one problem. My partner, who is usually super supportive of everything I do, is not...