The Worst Thing to Do When You’re Overwhelmed with Work

The Worst Thing to Do When You’re Overwhelmed with Work

Capitalism has done a lot of weird things to human beings. One of the weirdest is telling us we should equate our self-worth with productivity. If I’m super productive, I’m super worthy. If I’m not, I’m … not. Yeah. That’s a bigfat lie. And yet… The whole productivity...
Why You Need a “No” to Get to Your “Yes”

Why You Need a “No” to Get to Your “Yes”

What’s your relationship to the word “No”? Are you best buds, hanging out on the regular, painting the town with your ability to set firm, healthy boundaries? Or are you and “No” estranged, with little understanding of each other, suspicious and afraid to build a...
How to Follow the Baby Goat School of Spirituality

How to Follow the Baby Goat School of Spirituality

The spiritual path can be hard to follow. There’s the discipline of keeping to your spiritual practice, day after day. There’s the potential ridicule and/or misunderstandings from others in your life who don’t understand the spiritual path. But even when you’ve...
What I Learned From the Haters

What I Learned From the Haters

Living your life in a public forum comes with a bunch of cool things. Getting to share your work with a wider audience. Receiving appreciation from peeps who are touched by what you do. Feeling encouraged to keep going because you can see you’re making a difference....
How Can I Find Meaning in a Smaller Life?

How Can I Find Meaning in a Smaller Life?

Dear Meli, I am having a hard time adjusting to my current life. For three decades, I worked in the non-profit sector. I loved my job and found it fulfilling, but it took a lot of time and energy. My husband and I both recently retired and moved to be closer to my...

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