From the time I was a baby, I have tripped and fallen. And then I’ve gotten up. When I was little, getting up was simply what I did. Today, I remember that resilience. Falling is simply a part of moving forward. It happens, and it’s no big deal! I pick myself up and I try again. I learn from my mistakes. I am grateful for the process. I am grateful for my gracefulness – even as I fall.
Just a comment, remember to keep your body strong! Falling is easy for toddlers but can be very very hard on an elder’s body, especially if they have osteoporosis! So yes, falling is moving forward, and also, keep your body strong through exercise and nutrition! Much love y’all!
Hi Lark,
Thank you for this reminder! So true. Keeping the body strong as we age is definitely verrrrrry important! 🙂