Dear Meli,

I am embarrassed to ask this question, but here goes. I have had a lifelong struggle with weight and my body. At my heaviest, I weighed over sixty pounds more than I am right now. At my lightest, I was about twenty pounds less than I am right now. My doctor has said that my weight is fine for my height. But my weight is not fine for me. I am constantly trying to lose weight. And I am constantly dissatisfied with my weight. I should mention that I am on a spiritual path and have been for decades. That has definitely helped me with perspective on all this, but somehow it hasn’t been enough to take my focus off my weight. I thought I should ask you to weigh in (so to speak, I couldn’t help it!) on this issue. Thank you in advance!

Weighty Woes

Dear Weighty,

I am so very sorry to hear of your struggle with this, and I deeply wish I couldn’t relate. But I can. And I know this can be painful. I also know that you and I are not alone in this!

Here are some thoughts:

Our society has fed into our collective imagination of what a perfect body is. Photo-shopped models smile at us from magazine covers, ever reminding us that if we don’t look like that, we need to keep striving until we do. (The insanity? Even the models don’t look like that!)
Measuring our self-worth on externals can take us down a deep, dark rabbit hole of self-rejection. Defining ourselves based on a number on the scale is part of a rabbit-hole dive. It’s mean! Would you talk to anyone else you love the way you talk to yourself about your body?! I think not.

Possible Intervention Practices:

1) Mirror Work: This may be a good place to start. Stand in front of the mirror. (Maybe start off wearing something you feel best in and gradually work your way to doing this naked.) Find things that you can say to yourself that are true and kind. Say them. Out loud. Talk to that sweet person in the mirror the way you would to someone you care about.

You might start by thanking your body for being the miracle that it is. It is because of this body that you woke up this morning! It is because of this body that you are able to be here and love the people you do. To experience the amazing spiritual journey you’re on, including learning to love your body! Thank your body for the blessings it gives you every day. The ability to be alive, and feel joy, and experience love and growth!

When you feel you can, move your attention to any specific physical traits or characteristics you appreciate about yourself. Compliment them. Thank them. Adore them, aloud. The way you might a dear friend you see at a party, looking particularly fly. Keep this up until you start to automatically have kind and complimentary thoughts when you glance in a mirror throughout your day.

2) Journaling: Another possible practice is to journal. You might play with “parts work” in this, writing to the part of you who is mean to yourself about your weight, from the part of you who loves you unconditionally (your soul self). Or you could dialogue between the part that wants to be thin, and the part that doesn’t care. Or between your inner guide and the part of you that wants to overeat. There are many possible options that could lead to greater wisdom, understanding, and better inner congruence.

3) Gratitude: Of course, you are so much more than your body! A gratitude practice, specifically focused on all things you, could help you to get to a place of greater self-love and acceptance. That self-love will then bump up against that mean voice inside, helping to temper your self-condemnation.

4) Support: The fact that you said you are constantly dissatisfied with your weight implies that this was true even when you weighed 20 pounds less. If this is so, then I might also suggest you find additional mental/emotional support. Anything to help you remember that you are so much more than your body! You are your heart, your love, your generosity, your passions, and the way you show up for yourself and others.

You and I both know that there are plenty of weight loss approaches that actually work. At least, temporarily. (Heck, I bet between us we’ve tried all of them!) But if you are incapable of being satisfied, no exercise or food program or way of eating is going to bring you what I think you want most of all: peace of mind.

There may be something else entirely – some old wound or story – at work in your reasoning that leads to this self-snubbing. Helping to heal and transform the overall way you see and think of yourself might be the best tactic. Community with others who struggle with this might also be beneficial.

Any and all of these might be what’s needed! I’d say there is no plan or approach too daunting if it’s going to lead you to a place of peace!

I wish you all the best in this journey. You are so very worthy of the self-love and peace of mind that awaits you. Exactly as you are, and in whatever physical form you may take along the way!

Overflowing Blessings and Love to you in all you do.

In Joy,

What is your experience with weight and body image? Share your comments below!

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