Who likes change?

Not me. Not a fan.

Change often feels like it’s happening to me. Like I have no control over it. It feels ruthless and relentless. Like an action movie villain, storming the town and burning everything in sight.

Beware the Wrath of the Corrupt Colonel Change!!! Mwa ha ha ha.

But what if there was a way to make change work for us instead of against us?

To leverage change to our advantage?

There are basically three ways to approach Colonel Change.

  1. Passive Resignation

You look to outside circumstances to dictate the changes in your life. If something in your life changes, you go with it whether you like it or not. There’s definitely something to be said for going with the flow, but when the flow is taking you in a direction that doesn’t feel good, there are other flows in which to go!

Passive Acceptance ensures that you will not be taking your preferences and desires into account. It’s like you’re in a little dingy out to sea, tossed around wherever the wind blows you. You might end up in some amazing places. You might end up in some horrible ones. Or both.

With Passive Acceptance, one thing’s for sure: You will let Colonel Change have their way with you.


  1. Passive Inertia

Things are changing all the time. But if nothing changes within you, you’re going to get stuck. With Passive Inertia, your little dingy gets wedged among a cluster of rocks along the shore. You’re not going anywhere.

The big wide ocean is still there. So is the wind, with its capacity to take you in infinite directions. But you can’t see it. You’re committed to staying in the exact same place, every day. You’re not utilizing the power of change to take you to a better place – even though the potential is right there, all around you.

You’re so scared of Colonel Change, you’re not taking any chances. In the bargain, you miss out on some amazing opportunities.

  1. Active Navigation

The wind is going to blow. The sea is going to flow. Might as well take advantage of it!

With Active Navigation, you build a sail for your little dingy. With your trusty little sail, you can steer in the direction you’d like to go.

You’re taking advantage of the inevitability of change.

Sometimes the change is external. Sometimes it’s internal. Either way, if you’re actively setting goals for yourself and following your dreams, you are way more likely to end up in a groovy place than when you’re letting circumstances dictate your life (Passive Acceptance), or refusing to acknowledge said circumstances (Passive Inertia).

Another element to Active Navigation is the Power of the Divine. When we’re tapped into a Higher Power, we get guidance about which direction to set our sails. We receive messages about how to work with the wind and waves. Our part includes not just maneuvering our sails, but respecting the Energy behind the whole system.

With Active Navigation, the scary Colonel Change becomes an ally. Someone who can help us manifest our dreams and our best life.

In some ways, the ubiquity of change – and the choices we have about how to approach it – are best seen in others.

You know how you run into someone you haven’t seen in a while, and you’re struck by how different they look?

They may be taking the Passive Acceptance approach and bemoaning how badly life has treated them since you saw them last. They may be battered by fatigue and resignation.

Or they may be taking the Passive Inertia approach and be in the exact same place as the last time you saw them. They may look the same, but more stuck and less lively.

Or they might be Active Navigators. They may shine with the light of working with change. Sure, their bodies may look older, but Active Navigators defy the inertia and resignation of the aging process. They know it’s never too late to harness the unchanging nature of change (see what I did there?) to work for them, not against.

Colonel Change doesn’t have to batter you or scare you. You can work with them. You can harness their amazing capacity of eternal transformation to take you to some amazing places.

Will you help them? 


What’s your experience with Colonel Change? Share your comments below!

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