When you devote yourself to a spiritual path, it means you’re supposed to be super serious. You’re supposed to wear flowing robes and chant mantras. You’re supposed to continually be in a state of flowing, peaceful bliss.

Yeah, right.

I don’t know about you, but my spiritual path has looked nothing like that. My spiritual path has included emotional upheaval, attacks of doubt, and no flowing robes whatsoever.

That’s not to say I haven’t been influenced by the traditional image of a spiritual seeker. I have, and it’s made me judge my uncomfy emotions and periods of doubt. It’s also made me think I’m supposed to be more serious than I need to be. Over time, I’ve come to see that periods of play and silliness are just as spiritual – if not more so – than mantras and flowing robes.

One of my best teachers in this respect has been our Guru kitty Max.

When Max first came to live with us years ago, he was carrying a bit of trauma. He’d been on and off the streets for the first two years of his life, and it showed. He was easily frightened. He had very little interest in going outside. And play? That was not in his orbit. He seemed to have little to no understanding of the word frolic.

Over time, our Guru has lightened up. He shows us the power of a good romp around the house in his daily “zoomie” sessions. He’s come to love his time outside, even if it mostly consists of napping under a tree on our patio.

But there’s one thing our Guru still has yet to embrace, and that’s an ability to play.

We’ve tried strings and lasers and guaranteed-to-make-your-cat-frolic cat toys. And they all work. For a minute or so. And then our Guru moves on to something more compelling. Like taking a nap.

Enter the new friend.

Melissa discovered it online and decided we needed to try it. Sure, we’d tried tons of things and none worked, but this one looked different: A mechanical snake that moves like the real thing, providing prime pouncing possibilities for our potentially playful kitty.

And lo and behold, Melissa was right!

Max loves his snake. He plays. He pounces. He – dare I say it – frolics.

Not only that, his snake has opened up a whole new world of playfulness in our Guru.

Sheets, which used to be benign items that covered the bed, have become prime targets for vigorous, frisky attack sessions. Various items, previously ignored by the Guru, have become potential playthings – pen caps, pieces of paper, specks of dirt.

And his zoomie sessions? They have taken on a new level of enthusiasm and velocity.

The Guru, in his demonstration of true progress on the spiritual path, has shown us that it doesn’t matter what happened to you in the past. And it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to heal from it.

What matters is that healing is possible.

Joy waits in the wings, ready to be ignited by a new possibility. A new idea. Or a new friend.

What’s your experience with play on the spiritual path? Share your comments below!

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