“Holy people don’t swear.”

“Swearing pollutes your consciousness.”

“If you swear, you’re very bad. And no one likes you. And you probably smell.”

Okay, that last one was a stretch, but you get the idea.

Swearing and spirituality are generally seen as enemies.

Indeed, I remember a spiritual teacher once proclaiming that, since she stopped swearing, her life improved in countless ways.

At the time, I was in ministerial school, so I took this to heart. And to mouth.

I decided that I, too, would stop swearing. I, too, would improve my life in countless ways.

Did it work? Well, I got through ministerial school. So there’s that.

But then a funny thing happened.

After I graduated, after I got stamped with the “minister” label, I found myself readopting my old habit.

Part of this was my rebellion about what “minister” was supposed to be. When I was a kid, minister meant: Male. Stuffy. Conservative.

Since I’m none of those things, I figured everything else about Z-as-minister could be different too.

Including my mouth.

So, almost immediately after graduation, I started letting my mouth say whatever it wanted to say.

I’ve always loved to swear. It makes me feel energized and alive.

And now that I’m a swearing minister, it reminds me that Spirit is everywhere, in everything.

Spirit is in the word “Love.” Spirit is in the word “Fuck.” (Shocking, I know!)

Every word that exists is part of that infinite life force energy.

Nothing is more or less spiritual than anything else.

And the more I see that, the happier I am. 

Now, there are places where I choose not to swear. Like during Sunday morning talks. Most of the places we go are full of primarily older folks. If I choose to drop the F bomb in my talk, some of them aren’t going to hear anything else I say.

In that context, I’m not going to lead with Spirit-is-in-everything-even-the-word-fuck.

Not gonna happen.

Since I re-embraced swearing as a spiritual practice, I found out that it’s actually good for me!

Studies have shown that when we swear, it releases painkillers into our systems.

It sharpens our memories.

Swearing can also increase productivity and help foster social cohesion.

All this, just by dropping the F bomb.

Fuck, yeah!

Now, if you’re someone who’s turned off by swearing, you’re not necessarily going to get all of these benefits.

In that case, you can keep saying “Fiddlesticks” when the tire iron falls on your foot.

The rest of us, we’ll be saying something else…

Is swearing one of your spiritual practices? Share your comments below!

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