Claim Your Space

Claim Your Space

My monkey mind likes to jump from subject to subject, stopping just long enough to satisfy its curiosity, then rushing off to something else. My monkey finds this extremely satisfying. But when I’m trying to meditate? That’s when I realize how hyper and unfocused the...
Focus on the Positive

Focus on the Positive

I don’t like everything about everybody. That’s part of being human. But when I spend my time focusing on things in others that I don’t like, I tend to attract more negativity into my life. On the other hand, when I focus on the traits in others that I enjoy, I...
Celebrate Your Good

Celebrate Your Good

Sometimes an element of my life feels like a watched pot that will never ever boil. When I find myself obsessing about one particular lukewarm pot, it’s time to mix it up. It’s time to take my eyes off that one pot and focus on all the other pots in my life. There are...
Mission Not Impossible

Mission Not Impossible

If something’s making me feel bad, I take a look at it. Where are the bad feelings coming from? If I need to simply feel my feelings about an event, I do so. If I’m feeling guilty about an action, I make amends if necessary. But if I’m feeling bad because of toxic...
Invite It In

Invite It In

When I say what I don’t want and then turn my attention to what I do want, I’m using my awareness of the unwanted as a stepping point to growth. But when I say what I don’t want and wallow in the unwanted, I am using my awareness as a stopping point to growth. Today I...

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