Can You Have Too Much Good?

Can You Have Too Much Good?

Dear Meli, My life is really great. You know why? Because spiritual practice works! It’s so exciting to have new ideas and inspirations, and then have them manifest. There’s only one thing: Now it’s created a new problem for me. I have too many...
What’s the Deal with Ayahuasca?

What’s the Deal with Ayahuasca?

Dear Meli, I have a friend who has been like a spiritual teacher for me. She’s turned me onto all kinds of great practices, books, teachers. etc. Lately she’s into something new – Ayahuasca. It’s a drug she uses to hallucinate and learn things...
Wild, Wild Gurus

Wild, Wild Gurus

Wow. I just finished watching the Netflix series “Wild Wild County,” about the crazy times of Bagwan Shree Rajneesh and his followers in Oregon in the 1980s. While the documentary is not for everyone (it includes murderous plots and writhing naked “meditation”...

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