The other night, I was not sleeping. Actually, there have been a few “other nights” lately that have involved a lack of sleep.
There wasn’t anything in particular keeping me awake the other night. Just the fire, aka the demise of democracy as we’ve known it.
You know, no biggie.
So yeah.
As I was lying there, awake AF, I was trying to center myself spiritually. I had already meditated for a bit, as meditation can sometimes calm down the chattering ape that my mind becomes in moments of unrest.
But alas, the ape was still at it.
So I tried a different tactic.
I thought back to the Sunday after the election. Melissa and I were at the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle that day, doing the talk and music. We’d had a different talk planned for the morning, but when things went the way they did that week, we switched it up.
We gave a talk about how, sometimes, what seems to be the worst thing that could possibly happen ends up opening doors for new possibilities.
At the risk of sounding wildly narcissistic and self-referential, the words I spoke that morning came back to me.
“When hard things happen, that’s when it’s time to cling to our spiritual sight, to cling to our spiritual vision. Because where we see chaos, Spirit sees opportunity. Where we see destruction, Spirit sees new beginnings. And where we see closed, locked, boarded shut doors, Spirit sees pathways to deliverance.”
Strangely enough, it made me feel better.
It was weird to have my own words calm me down, but quickly I realized why.
In order to prepare for that talk the weekend after the election, Melissa and I had to center ourselves deeeeeeeeeeep in spiritual awareness. We didn’t have time to wallow and freak out. We needed to provide support for others, and the best way to do that was to clear out the muck and center ourselves in Divine perspective.
It was from that place that those words came.
I realized as I lay there, my inner ape no longer chattering away, that I need to do everything I can these days to access my spiritual sight.
I know that activating this sight looks different for everyone, but for me, it means a few key things:
Meditating every day.
Reading inspirational books.
Eating good food.
Walking in nature.
Hanging out with people I love and respect.
And, last but nowhere near least, limiting my exposure to news. Getting enough information to stay informed and take action when needed, but not so much that I get knocked off my spiritual center and teeter into despair.
The ultimate essence of reality is Love.
When I’m in my spiritual sight, I know this. When I’m not, I don’t. It’s as simple as that.
Staying centered in Spirit allows me to bring an awareness of Love’s essence to my entire life. To everyone I come into contact with. And to my country and the planet as a whole.
Walking through the fire of life in the U.S. right now means keeping the cool waters of Spirit available at all times.
It’s the only way through.
How are you walking through the fire? Share your comments below!
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Oh Z and Melissa, you are so REAL and I love the thoughts you have shared. Thank you for helping me keep on track. Much love.
Hi Kathy,
Much love back to you. Always!
I would add to the list above, which is the same list I have arrived at, ask what is mine to do? How can I be different so as to be CAUSE. I feel this responsibility to not live in effect. I feel having courage and being committed to a spiritual outlook must include spiritually informed right action.
Hi Lani,
I love this: Being Cause and not Effect. That’s wonderful!
Thank for this addition! 🙂
Melissa and Z, thank you so much for these ideas and I make sure they are part of my self care. Hugs help too and laughing and being connected help too. We are truly one and hold each other up at times, cry if needed and surely love self and others.
Hi Barbara,
Yes, hugs, laughter and commection are particularly great during stressful times. Actually, they’re great all the time! 🙂
Omg’osh, Spirit spoke through you right when I needed to hear it. I’ve been doing my best to stay centered, refusing to buy into the fear. Knowing that somewhere in the mist of the chaos lies the Truth. Yesterday I found myself reading a lot on social media and down the rabbit hole I went. I even made the comment to my husband that life 200 years ago must have been so less chaotic when you didn’t have all the media and 20,000 opinions. Thank you for bringing me back reminding me to use my spiritual sight. Namaste
Hi Tammy,
Yes, the 20,000 opinions can be a LOT.
Thank you for your comment!
Z, thank you! I’ve been struggling with the same things as you, and your meme today has helped me. I KNOW that Spirit is in control (I just forget sometimes) lol and need to be reminded. I’ve felt the stress (which is not usually a part of me). I have decided that I will not give it power. The only Power I will allow is Love and will reap the Peace that comes from manifesting this Power. Thank you for your reminder! Love you guys!!!!!!
Hi Nancy,
I love this: reading the Peace that comes from manifesting Love. Yes!
We have a lot of Ukrainians in my neighborhood. There was a rally on Sunday. I went reluctantly because I expected a lot of anger and fight-back rhetoric. Instead, there were prayers and singing national anthems and people everywhere hugging and handing sunflowers to strangers. Two young (tween?) girls picked up my walker and carried it across the ice. Their mom took my arm and guided me. They had minimal English (Me help?) I realized they were refugees. Helping me. It was a very strong reminder to me to pay attention to the good that is possible where you least expect it….because Spirit is everywhere. i can’t change the world, but I can change how I see it. Thanks for your reminder also
Hi Maggie,
Thank you SO much for this. I just read it to Melissa and couldn’t help but tear up as I read it. What a beautiful reminder of the generosity and resilience of the human spirit. Beautiful!
Love you!
Thanks, Melissa and Z!
After my last sleepless night, I decided to focus on the cliche “Staying in the Present Moment.” Like, constantly! It does help me to remember the good life that I lead, my gratitude and that Spirit is everywhere and in charge.
Thank you for all that you two do to help us remember.
Much Love,
Hi Tibby,
What a wonderful reminder!
Thank you for sharing it. Always a good thing to stay in the Now, especially these days!
I am walking through the fires pretty well with meditation and connecting with source. I have done IFS work and got in contact with my partner the worrier. I am able to talk to her and calm her down. Sleep has been better in doing that.
Hi Jan,
Wonderful to hear from you, as always!
Parts work is so powerful, isn’t it?! I love that chatting with your inner worrier is helping with better sleep. Yay for that!
Sending you lots of love,
So many great comments. I like to remember that we are in this world but not of it. We are also divinely guided, guarded, directed and protected. Although I’m recovering from back surgery, I plan to attend the march at Tesla, Las Vegas on March 25th. I figure it’s time to stand with the rest of democracy lovers, knowing freedom is our natural state of being.
Hi Scott,
Beautifully said.
I love that reminder: In this world but not of it.
And love that you’re going to a march at Tesla. Power to the people! 🙂
Thanks to you, Z, for your personal sharing. And thanks to those who contributed their personal comments.
After knee surgery, I experienced being disheartened during physical therapy (which I hear is not unusual) and then deeply distressed when jobs were being upended nationally and in 60+ other countries.
I went deep and received these messages, perhaps from my subconscious:
1) We humans have only a slight concept of what is possible.
2) Be open at the top. (from Ernest Holmes)
3) Sit high watch.
In my desire to further diminish distress, I searched for definitions: “Be open at the top means maintaining an open and receptive mind to divine wisdom. “
“Sit high watch means to maintain a state of detached awareness, observing life from a higher perspective without getting entangled in the drama of everyday events.This concept aligns with spiritual traditions that emphasize mindfulness, inner peace, and the ability to witness without reacting impulsively.”
I had been taking in too much politics for my own good and now am choosing to sit, in essence, perched on a high stool, sending positive vibes to all who might benefit.
I benefit from hearing from you others who obviously remain empathetic toward those affected by the “austerity program” on this “blue ball” called Earth.
Hi Barb,
Thank you SO much for sharing your messages from the Deep. Those are wonderful to contemplate! And they add to cultivating and atmosphere of Peace and Perspective. Wonderful!