How do you respond when someone tells you how to dress?
Like most people, I’m resistant to the idea.
It reminds me of being five years old and being told to dress up for a party. Or being in seventh grade and having to wear the dreaded gym uniform. (Mine was a unitard the color of butterscotch pudding.)
So when I heard that a Mormon woman from Utah had an online program that told you how to dress according to energetic type, I was suspicious.
Was I going to come out of the program wearing a prairie dress and looking like a sister wife? Not that there’s anything wrong with prairie dresses. I’m sure there are lots of women who can rock that look.
But I’m not one of them.
I first heard about the Dressing Your Truth program from my friend Marcy.
One day, Marcy came over to our house. She was her usual perky, peppy self, but there was something different about her. She looked fabulous.
She was wearing a yellow shirt with a fuzzy pink vest – you heard me right, a fuzzy pink vest – and she looked great. More than great. It was as if her clothes were a natural, elemental expression of her spirit.
Marcy is one of the most light-hearted people I know. In spite of the fact that she was often dressed in black, her playful spirit managed to always shine through.
But now there was no separation from her essence and her outfit. Her outsides matched her insides. It was amazing.
What happened to you? we said.
And that’s when she told us about Carol Tuttle and the Dressing Your Truth program.
Tuttle describes four energetic types, each of which has a different color palate and style guide. It’s similar to the seasonal typing system, but this system also talks about the personality aspects associated with each type. (At the time this blog was posted, the program was only for women. They now have a program for men as well.)
The four categories are:
Type 1/Air: Bright and Animated
Type 2/Water: Subtle and Soft
Type 3/Fire: Rich and Dynamic
Type 4/Earth: Bold and Striking
In spite of Marcy’s transformation, I was hesitant. Years ago, I had my colors done by the woman who was cutting my hair. She told me I was a Winter. She also told me I should style my hair in a more feminine manner so I could attract a man.
As you can imagine, I stopped going to her shortly thereafter.
I’ve always associated these typing systems with rigid standards of feminine beauty. My gender expression doesn’t fit into these standards, so why would my clothing choices? My dressing preferences are more in line with these sporty gals:
In checking out the info online, I didn’t see any women who looked like me. They were all on the feminine end of the spectrum.
And yet there was something about the course I found intriguing.
I kept reading and searching. Finally, I found some videos on You Tube of Carol Tuttle interviewing men in each of the 4 types. Once I saw these, I was able to identify and confirm my type.
I’m a Type 4. Bold and Striking.
The types are divided up according to movement, and my type is the stillest one. Because of this low-movement aspect, the Type 4 palate is the pure hue for each color. Black, white, bright red, blue, orange, etc.
Although I love and identify with this color palate, I wasn’t sure about adorning my body with these colors. Bright orange? Really?
I started with T-shirts. A low-cost experiment.
Lo and behold, the bright colors worked on me. Even those colors, like bright orange, that the seasonal/Winter system told me I couldn’t wear.

photo: melissa phillippe
Even though DYT is not overly queer-inclusive, I do appreciate that they talk about different kinds of female beauty.
Types 3 and 4, for example, do not conform to the soft, feminine model encouraged by society at large. (For the record, my wife Melissa is a Type 3, which puts us both on the less-femmy end of the spectrum. Check out this video with both of us in our DYT glory.)
I know some of you are rolling your eyes about now. I am NOT letting some woman from Utah tell me how to dress!
Dressing Your Truth is not for everyone, but for those of you who are curious, check it out. (And start with the free course. Then you can explore the material for no cost, and when you finish the free part, they’ll offer you the full course for a lot cheaper. Just sayin’.)
So the next time you see a bright-orange (or bright-blue or bright-red) Goofball coming your way, you’ll know who it is.
Thanks to a woman in Utah, I’m dressing my gender-flexible Goofball truth!

photo: melissa phillippe
Are you a DYT fan? Share your comments below! For those non-DYT folks, how does your style of dress reflect who you are? Share your comments too!
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Hello from your bright and animated friend (Type 1)! I resonated with Carol as she taught the foundation of Dressing Your Truth which is energy profiling. As she described air, water, fire and earth as well as yin and yang, I knew I had discovered something really special. Energy profiling provided a level of self acceptance I never even knew I didn’t have (aha – so THAT’S why I’m Glitter Spice – LOL!). As Carol explained the expression of each element, I began to understand and embrace the gifts of being “Air”. Carol takes this one step further in teaching women how to create a way of adorning ourselves in a way that honors our natural expression. As I began dressing in my new bright way (yellow shirt, pink fuzzy vest – LOL!), I was showered with compliments and positive feedback. I felt SEEN. And celebrated. It’s been an amazing journey of stepping into my authentic expression. Oh, and then there’s the story of how we scrambled to support Melissa and Z into dressing their truth for their wedding (which happened shorty after embracing DYT). They looked (and felt) fabulous!! So happy you two welcomed this amazing teaching into your lives. Love, the Easter Bunny 🙂
Hi Easter Bunny!
Right – THAT’S why you had the fuzzy pink vest and the yellow shirt! Now it all makes sense.
I guess I would be Uncle Sam, dressed in red, white and blue. 😉
Thank you, EB, for introducing Melissa and I to the wild and wacky world of DYT. (I notice that the course for men is coming out soon – looking forward to checking it out!)
Dressing Your Truth for men arrives September 24th – woo hoo!!!!
Dear Marcy;
I just got into DYT 1 1/2 weeks ago (the free course, YouTube vids, then both books: “It’s Just My Nature” & the “DYT”, now signed up for the actual DYT course). I resonated so much with it that I have been “inhaling it”.
I have found it very validating & helpful – like many, I feel very seen (although I fought my Type, having judged & been judged for my gifts & challenges).
I now have greater understanding of my challenges (Type 1, secondary Type 2 tendencies). Plus, it’s helping me understand others in my life better (especially the Type 3s & 4s! Bless you folks!)
I have fought even thinking about giving up my black wardrobe.
Marcy, your pics are really helping me begin to open to the idea!
You look even brighter in the “after” pic! You look great!
My whole wardrobe is based on black – while I have gem colored tops or scarves (good for “Winter” coloring), I always have worn black bottoms & black shawls or sweaters. (Frequently, it was head to toe black.)
In an earlier time, I wore very Type 4 clothing. Somehow I intuitively got wise to the fact the sharpness of the lines of the clothing (Type 4) didn’t fit me. But still kept the black.
So, I really appreciate your pics, though I haven’t yet started my Type 1 section of the course. I suspect I’ll have to radically change my wardrobe. Glad to hear of the FB pages – I’ll go explore those.
Thanks for the inspiration!!!
P.S. I agree with Z about the need for others in the videos. Despite being hetero & raised in traditional Latino roles, I never quite fit into that. I felt discomfort with the "Family Values" focus & examples in the videos that felt exclusionary. (I Googled Carol Tuttle, & then found out she is a Mormon. I imagine it was hard for her, as a Type 3/4 woman in that culture.)
The joy of Googling was that I found this blog! Z – I love your blogs. And I love everyone's input.
***Speaking of inclusion – I ask for your support in holding the vision of the Same-Sex Marriage Bill passing in Hawai'i!!!***
We are in the middle of the process – with a lot of voiced opposition (paid TV ads, testimony, picketing) from certain religious groups & even some Part-Hawai'ians (which is contrary to traditional cultural values, where all gender types were welcomed.) Where is the Spirit of Aloha?
Please see it passing & staying passed! Hawai'i is a State of diversity – most locals come from mixed ethnic backgrounds & are proud of it.
It is high time all have the right to marry!
Thanks for your support. Every prayer & SOM treatment helps! :)
(Unfortunately, the mayor of the Big Island of Hawai’I just vetoed the GMO bill. 🙁
I’m a Mormon and a T4, but for some reason it wasn’t hard for me to grow up as a T4. Then again, I’m a 4/1. And I grew up in CA, but I’m about 10 years younger than Carol, and both my parents are T4’s, and my aunts are extremely strong, independent T4’s as well. I’m very grateful for all of that!
And I just realized that I’ve posted here as two different names. Lazy clicking, I guess. 😉
And DYT has been fun for me. But if it ever gets to be too much (speaking to those who are weirded out by it…I was at first, too, lol) then I’ll stop. 😉 But for now? Still fun.
-Rachel Loveridge
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for your comment! I don’t know about you, but I think that 4/1 is a fun combination! We’re focused and get stuff done, but we have fun while we’re doing it. At least, that’s my experience!
I like that you had so many Type 4s around you as a kid. Nice support and role modeling. 🙂
Great news in Hawai’i. Earlier this week, Governor Neil Abercrombie signed the Marriage Equality Law!
Thanks for your visioning & prayers…
Aloha Lani!!
YAY!!! This is such wonderful news. Thank you for sharing it here in Goofball Land. So happy that love is prevailing all over the place! 🙂
Carol Tuttle will be paying you for this endorsement! Fellow type 4, I do think you are a winter, also – colors are very similar with the exception of orange. Don’t think I’d be comfortable in orange anyway!! XOXO!
Hi Fran!
Ooooooooooh – now I have a new challenge. Getting you to wear orange! 😉
I am a “bright winter” and I didn’t think I looked good in orange, either. To my surprise, though, I did find an orange (possibly because it’s an orange that’s been so popular lately) that looks really good on me. I was shocked. Every time I wear it, I get a ton of compliments.
Hi Z,
This program has changed my life in a VERY good way! It is SO much more than about clothes!!! Love understanding and honoring my dominant Type #4/secondary Type #1 self, and feeling and looking great in the process. Thanks to Marcy, Melissa, and you for modeling this program for me – I noticed it right away last year, checked it out, and bought it for my 60th birthday present to myself! I highly recommend this program to everybody!!!
Hi JoAnn!
I know, we’re starting a little DYT Revolution at the Center! 😉 (Though there are way too many independent thinkers there to get everyone on board!)
I’m glad that Marcy got us all going. If she hadn’t walked in with her little fuzzy pink vest that day, I’d still be wearing grey! 🙂
Loved your post! So glad that you let a Mormon woman from Utah help you get in touch with your own truth!
Do you find that the clothes/dressing has been the most enlightening part of the program for you or the insight you have gained into your energy/personality?
For me, it has been the energy/personality! I am also 4/1 and find that nothing has helped me to understand myself like this. Nothing has made me feel more okay to be me!
As for your sporty gals photo, I think that outfit in the middle in black would be stunning! Perfect for a 4!
Hi Mindy,
I’m glad that I listened to her too!
I do love the energy/personality part of the program as well and have found it helpful. But prior to DYT, I’d already studied tons of personality systems (including the Enneagram, my favorite) and had done a lot of work in that realm. But clothing systems? Not so much. So, for me, the clothing part of DYT is actually the bigger transformation. Though, I have to say, I love that it’s not JUST a clothing system.
As for the sporty gal photo, I agree! I’m looking forward to having them make me a totally T4 suit!! 🙂
Thank you for your comment!
So, from another Mormon woman. . . and a type 4 (I guess. . . ) I love the / that I’m getting here. The 4/1 or 4/2 or 4/3. I didn’t resonate with any of the types, until Carol said basically, “So, if you don’t think any of this applies to you very well, you are probably a type 4” – I laughed right out loud.
Then I really listened, and so much of what she says is definitely 4. Though I’ve always felt like a 3 (Autumn/ or Bold Strong Warm) – and dressed in the Romantic style.
So, I love classic lines, but I have more pounds than I’d like for most of the more tailored looks. I also see the palate and think “Boring!” – So. . . I’m in a quandy as to the dressing part. Knowing that I’m probably a something / helps. I did find a pinterest 4/2 board that I loved almost everything on! That made me happier.
I do love clothing though, and am sad to think that all my variety has to be tossed. Could explain however why I have so much, I sort of treat my outfits like an artistic experiment whenever I get dressed!
Anyway, there is the book of a reply to say Thanks for posting!
Hi Marsha,
Thanks for your comment! One of the things that Carol said about T4 is that DYT can be tricky for them because we are always perfecting things. So to be told that this is the way you should dress – and the fact that the 4 has a basic simplicity about it – runs counter to the 4s tendency to always be tweaking and perfecting.
One of the ways that I’m perfecting these days is in accessories – fashion glasses, for me. And finding clothes that are tailored to me and work for my style.
As for the / part: I thought I was 4/2 for quite a while, and then realized that I’m 4/1. And I know that there are people who are sure they are one type and then realize they are another. The process of coming to clarity about this is also a process of coming to clarity about ourselves. So that part is cool!!
Also, as a type 4, I’m continually amazed that I’m even into DYT in the first place, as I really don’t like to be told what to do. That said, I’m enjoying wearing such bold colors. I didn’t feel comfortable wearing such strong color before DYT, but now I do. And I love it. And it suits me.
So have fun with the process! Thanks again for stopping by!
Yup! I am a Dressing Your Truth Devotee! I’m a Type 2, Soft & Subtle woman, with a secondary 4. Being a double-introvert, I love that I get to honor my need for alone time, and preference for one-on-one connection rather than crowds. Instead of blaming myself for not being able to be gregarious and outgoing (unless you already know me, then I am quite lively) like so many people I admire who can do that, I am accepting my Truth. It’s just no fun for me to be in crowds or in situations where people are loud and forceful. While studying Carol’s system, I remembered an art teaching my college Freshman year look at one of my drawings and say, “Some pictures shout at you from across the room. This whispers for your to come closer.” At the time I thought it was an insult. Now I see it was a high compliment honoring who I really am.
Hi Naava,
Whenever I see you these days, I can just see how well this program suits you (so to speak). And that you are definitely a Type 2! When I see the T2 colors, they don’t look nearly as bold and striking at the T4 colors, for example. But on you they look fabulous. It’s fascinating how it works. And I love what your teacher said – that’s SO true of you. Wow. That’s awesome. And it’s totally in alignment with the Type 2 energy. Glad you were able to remember that comment and carry it with you. 🙂
By the way… LOVE the Big Bang Rap video!!!
Yay! Thank you. 🙂
Me too!
Such a fun vid!
And so wise…
Hope Z & Melissa are making more 🙂
Hi Aloha Lani,
Yes, we plan on making more. We already have several of our metaphysical raps finished, so we’re looking forward to making several more videos. Plus Melissa has tons of songs and only one music video so far, so we’re planning on doing more of those too. Keep an eye out! 🙂
Awesome! Looking forward to them!
Welcome to the great world of DYT. I am also a T4, and I can very much relate to what you say about not feeling quite soft and feminine. That’s completely not who I am and now I realize it’s because I’m a bold and stunning Type 4 woman. I’m a 4/3, and so I’ve got an edgy side to my look also. What a powerhouse of a couple you and your gal must be! A T4 and a T3 – that is intense! I loved your article – thanks for sharing.
Hi Sarah,
Thank you! Always glad to meet another T4. And a 4/3 at that – you must have lots of strong and powerful energy! And edgy too, I like that.
Melissa and I both have a T1 subtype, so I think that helps to soften our T4 and T3 ways. And we have lots of FUN!
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Thank you for this post. I truly love Carol Tuttle’s work with energy healing and Dressing Your Truth. I believe her book the “Child Whisperer” should be read by every parent and teacher in this country.
When we are allowed to dress and express as our true energy type, life is so much easier and more fulfilling.
I love being a type 2 and being able to honor and embrace my more sensitive nature. Having the permission to express as my natural self and not conform to expectations is so freeing.
Shopping is so much easier and I feel like I have a magical closet. All of my clothes match and blend together.
Love the Big Bang Video! You and Melissa Rock the type 4 and type 3 respectively! In gratitude, Marion
Hi Marion!
Great to see you here!
I haven’t read the Child Whisperer yet. I’ll have to check it out. And I agree with you that having permission to let go of others expectations is incredibly freeing.
I’m glad you liked the video – Melissa and I are both a Type 1 sub-type, so we had FUN making it! 🙂
I watched DYT a few months ago and found a bit of myself in all the styles — I’m going to have to go back and look again 🙂
Thanks for reminding me about that ..
and Love Biggity Bang — nice Asilomar background 🙂
Blessings, Angelica
Hi Angelica!
It was SO fun to film at Asilomar! And the cloudy conditions were just perfect, as far as the light. I’m glad we were able to film there before CSL moved on to another location. It would have been fun to have you with us! 🙂
Hello Angelica;
I relate. I watched the vids on YouTube, as well as the free course. Couldn’t identify which Type.
As we all have all 4 types in us, it can happen.
It was easier to see my Type once I read “It’s Just My Nature!”.
(The “DYT” seems to have less info in it, though it is good too.)
I had suppressed & judged my Type 1 (& secondary Type 2) energy movements. I wanted to be a Type 4 – be able to get things done! (3s & 4s were very valued in my family). In the suppression, I tried to behave quite differently (except for the challenges – there I clearly could see I was Type 1/2).
Yet when I considered the qualities I expressed when I felt the best, what helped me feel the freest – then I was able to see Type 1 & 2 differently.
Hope this helps… & good luck! I have felt so validated through this – & I haven’t even gotten to the clothing part!
I love DYT. It hasn’t really changed my style very much-I already had many type 4 clothes, although I have weeded out a lot of things that were cute, but I didn’t wear because I just felt frumpy in them-now I know why. The thing that has changed the most is accepting and understanding my true nature. I don’t have to beat myself up for stillness!
Hi Stacy,
Hello to another Type 4! 🙂
I agree that the program is great for accepting yourself and your natural energy. I still find it fascinating that my clothing choices can support the energetic movement of my nature. Unlike you, my closet was not full of T4 clothes, so it’s been a big change as far as what goes on my body.
And Yay for stillness. (But in a quiet way, of course!)
Z, I’ve heard all about DYT from friends, I’ve been told what type I am frequently (1), did go thru the free introduction video, but then had to stop. It’s true, I look way better in green and pink than I do in black or red. But the whole thing creeps me!!! Arrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Hi Lili!!
To be honest, the whole thing creeps me out too sometimes. It can all sound a little cult-ish. So I definitely understand where you’re coming from. And the DYT thang is definitely not for everyone. Good thing it’s a free country and you can wear whatever you want!!!! 🙂
for people who cannot access your genius or are a DIY type….it is interesting to find what painter artist you like ..some really like Monet… beautiful soft natures colors…Rembrandt, maybe you like Mondrian?I love this way of picking your colors because some of us shift as our energy evolves or we may need for health reasons a radical change ..years ago I lost a lot of blood and was very weak but highly motivated as an acupuncture student..even though I nearly died i was determined to be a good mom and teacher…all red I was not interested in wearing or buying any thing but pure red. A little while later when i was fully recovered I looked at that wide red skirt and the red and white sweater with a gimlet eye. I gave them and all the other red team clothes to charity.
Hi Jerrine,
Yes, DYT is definitely not for the DIY.
The idea of picking out colors according to your favorite painter is an intriguing one. Your “red” period sounds like a powerful and valuable time for you. Glad you made it through! 🙂
I need to check this out as I wear a lot of black.
That video was TOO MUCH! You are so funny.
Where is that shop that is pictured in this Blog? Looks like the name is TomBoy. What a great place for women to buy clothes! Looks like a shop that Ellen would go to.
Thanks, for sharing. I am so clothes challenged – I will def check it out!
HI Sherry,
The shop in the photo is called Tomboy Tailors and they’re in San Francisco. The photo is a link to their site. I’m going to get down there one of these days and get me a nice suit! 🙂
Dressing Your Truth is not for everyone, but it’s definitely worth checking out.
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Maybe it is just what SOM has been reverberating ….BYT…
BE your Truth.
I like this! BYT!! It sounds like a BLT, but even better!! 🙂
Wow – custom-made suits. Should have known it was in San Fran. I think it’s great!
I know. I can’t wait to go. I’m thinking of getting a dapper little 3-piece suit! 🙂
A post on a DYT Type 4 page on Facebook brought me here and I’m so glad it did! I’ve been a DYT devotee for a year or so now, and as much as I love my wardrobe and my new self-knowledge, it sometimes feels like the community around the program is exclusively Mormon–with all the motherhood and husband-centric concerns that that implies. Limits the conversation a bit for the likes of me.
So it’s great to “meet” a fellow T4 woman who’s defining a non-traditional T4 style. I’ve felt liberated by the vivid hues and the “permission” to enjoy the stricter, more tailored styles. People “get” me at first glance now, and I feel more comfortable in my skin.
That San Francisco tailor is enticing, too. Great resource. Thank you! I enjoyed this post a lot.
Howdy Darkemeralds!
Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. It’s great to “meet” you too!
I’ve had the same reaction to some of the DYT world that you have, which is one of the reasons I did this post. Especially because, like for you, the program has totally worked for me. There is so much about DYT that is absolutely fabulous, and yet I’ve also had a hard time not seeing any women who look like me in any of the videos or promotional material. But I knew I wasn’t the only one. So I’m glad you chimed in! 🙂
JoAnn Newton shared your blog post on the DYT T4 FB page – good grief that’s a lot of acronyms for one sentence! Anyway, you rocked it! In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I’m signing up to subscribe to your feed. Thanks for being you!
Hi Mary!
Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for signing up for the blog. It’s great to have you here! 🙂
Another DYT “Type 4” here. Love it!
Hello Rachel!
Always nice to meet another Type 4. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Loving your blog! I also play the piano (but not like you, just enough to accompany myself while I learn songs…for singing). And one of my dearest friends is also “gender neutral.”
Hi Rachel!
Thanks for stopping by. Nice to meet another piano player, and a friend to the gender neutral! 🙂
You look friggen great!
Hi Anna,
Thank you!! 🙂
I love this blog! I am a fussy dresser and over 50. I was searching the web and found Carol Tuttle and was so intrigued I bought the course!! I still am not sure which type I am but I will figure it out soon. The comments and your post are so affirming!!
Thank you!!
Hi Gail,
Enjoy checking out the course – I’ve found it to be extremely helpful not just with my clothing choices, but helping me to understand my personality as well. Carol Tuttle is doing some really fabulous work.
Thanks for your comment. Stop by again any time! 🙂
Just came across this while surfing dressing your truth–Are you sure you’re a Type 4? You seem WAY more extroverted and funny/goofy than the typical type 4. Type 4’s are described by Carol as having primarily serious,introverted, quiet “still” energy, with bold and direct self-expression. They’re often told to “lighten up, you’re too serious”. You seem more of an animated personality type, although I can see Type 4 features.
Yes, I can see that you might see me as a 1, given my presentation. But anyone who knows me knows that I’m WAY more of a Type 4 in my day-to-day life. I spend lots of time alone and I’m incredibly structured and disciplined. The Type 1 profile doesn’t describe me at all – not as I am now and not how I was as a kid. I allow myself to be fun and goofy with others, but that’s only for a little while, and then I need to pull back in and rest. Dressing Your Truth has actually been really helpful in allowing me to understand and honor how structured and disciplined I am. Thanks for asking, though! 🙂
A friend sent me here after asking her, “Are there other DYT Vloggers out there beside me?” and she said, “Not so much, but here’s a blogger!”
What a great post! I love your style, your attitude and the overall energy from your photos! You must be tons of fun! I like you!
I’m a blogger and vlogger who too found DYT and am grateful for it!
I totally snickered at your sister wife outfit. Oh come on, you should give it a try! 😉
I have bookmarked your blog!
Hi Ladee!!
Thanks for stopping by. It’s great to meet another DYT fan. I checked out your site as well and it looks awesome. I can tell that you’re a lot of fun as well.
As for the sister wife outfit, I never know what I’m going to do next, so who knows?! 🙂
Hi there!
Nice to see another winter-woman on the queer side doing the DYT. 🙂 I just started, but I’m pretty sure I’m a 4/3. Waiting to find an orange garment that I look awesome in and that feels at home… (LOL)
I’m a musician too (opera singer) and heavy into personal development/spirit. Lots in common in other words.
Have an awesome one! 🙂
Hi Stella,
Awesome to know of another queer creative spiritual DYT’er! Thanks for stopping by.
DYT has been an amazing addition to my other creative and spiritual endeavors. Keep me posted on how it’s going for you. 🙂
Z and All –
Didn’t read all the posts here, but read several. It would be more typical of me not to respond, but I’m going to. I just discovered DYT about 3 months ago, thought I was a 2 for sure and have been trying to live it. Finally realized I’m a 4/2. Wow! Life changing. I’ve always thought pastels and flowing, feminine, girly things were all me. Trying to live from that soft, subdued energy was dragging me down, I was feeling worse and worse, gaining weight – blah.
Today, I wore a neon green shirt. I’m loving this! I feel energy and excitement and just all kinds of possibility that I haven’t felt for a long time. Just like – wow, this is me.
Not everything is absolute. (Yes, I’m a 4 and saying that). I’m an introvert in that I need time alone to reflect and recharge, but I’m also social. In fact, my high school and college friends would laugh if they heard me say I was an introvert. It took me a long time to figure that out. We’re all multifaceted human beings. But the energy profiling is fascinating.
I’m also a Utah Mormon (LDS). 🙂 A mom. A teacher. I’m finding it so informative in working with people and children in general. I’ve studied all kinds of personality work, color profiling, etc. This is profound. (Child Whisperer covers it for kids).
And while Carol doesn’t apologize for her personal values and beliefs, she is very accepting and wants to help the world, everyone.
I’m so glad you started this conversation, Z! The whole thing makes me happy. You look fantastic! (As do Melissa and Marcy). And your intro is hilarious. Best of luck on your journey.
Hi Rainy!
Thank you so much for visiting and sharing. I’m glad that you went against your usually-not-one-to-respond tendency. 🙂
I love hearing about your process. And I love knowing that DYT is helping you in your work with kids and people in general. So cool!
My experience with DYT is that it has made me more at ease in the world – both internally and externally. I love that the system includes information both on our personality AND the optimal form of style. I continue to be grateful for Carol Tuttle and her work.
Best of luck to you as well!!
I love that you found this, and I love that it’s working for you. When I first discovered Dressing Your Truth, I was turned off because fashion seems like such a shallow part of who we are. I had to come back to it from Carol’s other book It’s Just My Nature. Which has been such a great way for me to see people. For example, I saw your picture and knew you were a T4 before I read the rest of your post (your writing style confirms it, lol).
Hi Penny,
I felt the same way you did about fashion seeming shallow. I had never been interested in any program that would tell me how to dress. (Of course, being a Type 4 probably also had something to do with that!) But I love that Dressing Your Truth combines energy and personality into how we express ourselves with our clothes. And, like you, I also find it helpful as a way to understand others.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comment! 🙂
Hi! I know I’m late to the party but I wanted to say I discovered Carol Tuttle through a YouTube video by Rivka Malka Perlman, an Orthodox Jewish woman who looked fabulous and I wanted to know why. I went through the free program and T4 really resonated with me so I bought one of the books. When I got to the T4 section it was like she was talking about me! I knew we’d never met and yet she was describing me.
Turns out most of the clothes in my closet are already T4 so there wasn’t really much to change there. I colored my hair back its regular color(it needed it anyway) and bought some new lipstick. This morning for the first time I wore my bright red orange lipstick with my bright turquoise shirt and it looked completely normal, not loud not funny, but normal.
I really like this system. It took Carol Tuttle to put it together for me to realize what I’ve been doing all my life was correct and I shouldn’t try and change it to be something I’m not.
Hi Kathye, Yay! So glad that you found the system. I think it’s awesome that you knew yourself so well that your closet was already full of T4 clothes. That was not the case for me, but now it is. I love the image of the orange with turquoise – so cool! I’m about to get a streak of deep bright red in my hair – can’t wait. I already know it will look awesome. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂 XOZ
Thank you for this honest review of the program. I caught this blog post when I was googling Dress Your Truth and the words that caught my eye were “a Mormon woman from Utah”…as I, too, am a Mormon woman from Utah. I love that you were open about your feelings toward the process. And I love that you were open to trying it. You’re amazing!
Hi Sally! I LOVE the DYT program, and have gained so much from it. I certainly had to look at my own prejudices in order to embrace the program. I’m SO glad I did. Thank you for your kind words! 🙂