You know how something synchronistic happens, and it seems as though forces larger than you are crafting the whole thing?

Like some mystical, magic Overlord is behind the curtain of material illusion, pulling the proper levers and crafting the circumstances of your life?

But wait a minute. That sounds very puppet-on-a-string-ish. Very Wizard-of-Oz-y. And we all know the wizard was b.s.

So what’s with that?

The other day, Melissa and I were taking a walk. On this particular day, we landed on the subject of fate. Is it real? Or is it b.s.? Are our lives planned out before we’re born? Or do we start fresh and make it up during our lifetime?

The answer to all these questions, we realized, is Yes.

If you’re familiar with this blog, you know that this is a spiritual discussion. It’s a given that Spirit is going to be included in the equation. It’s a given that Spirit, ultimately, is the equation.

So where does Spirit fit into the question of fate?

To answer that, I first have to ask another, fundamentally related question: Where does Spirit fit into the concept of free will?

Fate and free will appear to be mutually exclusive concepts. Either everything is planned out ahead of time, or we’re in charge of everything that happens.

Once again, the answer is Yes. Both of these are true.

And, once again, since Spirit is everything, Spirit is the driver of both fate and free will. 

During our walk, Melissa came up with the phrase “Create your fate.” That’s what we’re all doing, every day. This phrase explains why both fate and free will are true, and how Spirit is all over each of them.

The way I see it, it goes like this:

Before we’re born into an individual life, we, as a soul, craft the circumstances of our lifetime. Our birthplace, our parents, our talents and abilities, etc.

Once we’re born, those things in our lives we crafted ahead of time may appear fated. But, ultimately, we chose them on a soul level.

Then, as we mature and embrace a spiritual path, we learn that our thoughts are creative. We can change the circumstances of our lives with our thoughts and beliefs.

As we do so, we are once again co-creating with Spirit. It’s just like before we were born, only this time it’s fully conscious. Our conscious co-creation allows Spirit to line up people, circumstances, and events to assist our creative process. Sometimes, this assistance may feel fated.

But the “fate” is created by both us and Spirit.

(Ultimately, of course, we are one with spirit. But on this earth plane, duality is a thing. So for the purposes of this discussion, we’re speaking Duality Speak. Yup, yup!)

We set the fated event into motion with our thoughts and beliefs, and Spirit – with its magical, woo-woo, invisible ways – comes in with the assist.

Voila! Magical, woo-woo, invisible “fated” events.

We create our fate.

See what I mean?

At this point, I have to mention that we create our fate for “good” or “bad.” If we want to go around all day saying that everything sucks – and we have the free will to do so – then Spirit comes with in the assist and “voila” – crap happens! Whoo hooo!

So today, I’m creating my fate for good. For myself and the planet.

How about you?

What’s your experience of creating your fate? Share your comments below!

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