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Are You Supposed to Ignore Bad Things?

Are You Supposed to Ignore Bad Things?

Dear Meli,  I have a friend who's super spiritual. She's always trying to tell me that if I just change my thinking, my whole life can change. But I have a bunch of hard stuff in my life. How am I supposed to ignore that? That seems like unhealthy denial.  Bothered by...

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Using Vibrations to Set Boundaries with Others

Using Vibrations to Set Boundaries with Others

No, I’m not talking about using vibrational currents to zap others and keep them away. Though that does have its benefits. I’m talking about using an awareness of vibration to be more discerning about whom you spend time with. I’ve been aware of the concept of...

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Can You Be Too Nice?

Dear Meli, I'm a nice guy. Really, I am. It aligns with who I am and my spiritual values. But maybe I'm too nice? I have a tendency to be drawn to people who need my help. And while it feels really good to help them, I'm starting to wonder if it's a trap. I recently...

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How Can I Stop Fighting with Myself?

How Can I Stop Fighting with Myself?

Dear Meli, I have a history of  fighting with myself, especially when it comes to my weight. Lately, I’ve been getting in touch with different aspects of myself, and I’m realizing that there’s a part of me that really wants to lose weight. But there’s another part of...

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Do You Have to Spend the Holidays with Your Family?

Do You Have to Spend the Holidays with Your Family?

Dear Meli, The holidays are upon us. Yikes! I know everyone loves Christmas - or a lot of people do - but I'm not one of them. My mom died a few years ago, and ever since then my older brother has taken over being the host for Christmas. My brother is a really hard...

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Using the Enneagram for Personal and Spiritual Liberation

Using the Enneagram for Personal and Spiritual Liberation

There are lots things to say about the Enneagram, a spiritual personality system comprised of nine ways of approaching the world. But the most important thing to know about it is this: The Enneagram is like Kryptonite to the ego. Just like that alien mineral had the...

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How Do You Forgive Yourself?

How Do You Forgive Yourself?

Dear Meli, I'm having a problem with forgiveness. It's not forgiveness of someone else I'm having a hard time with - it's forgiveness of myself. In my last relationship, I cheated on my partner. Looking back, my ex and I both now acknowledge that our relationship...

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How Can I Stop Being a Wallflower?

How Can I Stop Being a Wallflower?

Dear Meli, I've always been different than other people. I don't like parties. I'm not interested going out all the time. My husband is the exact opposite. If he had his way, we'd be going out every night. I keep thinking I need to push myself to be more social, but...

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One Cool Thing You Can Do to Increase Your Prosperity

One Cool Thing You Can Do to Increase Your Prosperity

When you think of increasing your prosperity, especially if you’re one of us woo-woo types, there are probably a few things that come to mind. Vision boards. Affirmations. Deep, intrapsychic explorations to root out and eliminate any and all blocks to receiving...

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