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Why Can’t My Mind Heal My Addiction?
Dear Meli, I am currently in recovery for food addiction. I've tried lots of drugs over the years, but no substance seems to have as much sway over me as sugar. That said, I also follow a spiritual practice that says that I can control my life with my thoughts. So...
My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 13: The Guru’s Guru
Those of you who have been following the “My Guru Has a Tail” series know that there have been not one, but two, Gurus. First there was Guru Lucy. And then there was Guru Max. What you don’t know is that, like with most Regime changes, the transition didn’t happen...
Can You Be Spiritual and Political at the Same Time?
Dear Meli, I'm a part of a spiritual community and it's been awesome for a long time. I love the people there, and I've grown a lot. But. Lately I've been feeling like many of the people there are resistant to applying spiritual principles to some of the issues going...
Wild, Wild Gurus
Wow. I just finished watching the Netflix series “Wild Wild County,” about the crazy times of Bagwan Shree Rajneesh and his followers in Oregon in the 1980s. While the documentary is not for everyone (it includes murderous plots and writhing naked “meditation”...
Should You Affirm What You Want or Surrender to Spirit?
Dear Meli, In my years of spiritual studies, I've noticed two different contradicting ideas. Some spiritual teachers say that I'm supposed to surrender to Spirit and let It take care of everything. Other spiritual teachers say that I'm in charge of my own destiny, and...
Swearing as a Spiritual Practice
“Holy people don’t swear.” “Swearing pollutes your consciousness.” “If you swear, you’re very bad. And no one likes you. And you probably smell.” Okay, that last one was a stretch, but you get the idea. Swearing and spirituality are generally seen as enemies. Indeed,...
How Can I Turn Heartbreak into Healing?
Dear Meli, Three years ago, I met a great guy. This was the man of my dreams. He was into spiritual stuff, he was really kind, and he wasn't bad looking either. We hung out for about a year and everything was going great. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped calling. I...
What to Do About the Low-Vibe Peeps in Your Life
We all have them. No matter what vibration we’re normally groovin’ on, we all have people in our lives who are groovin’ – or not really groovin’ at all – on a much lower vibe. We also may be fortunate enough to have people in our lives who are groovin’ on a way higher...
Can We Ever Heal Our Childhood Wounds?
Here’s how you can use spiritual practice as a support in healing childhood trauma.
Who’s in Charge of Your Life? Your Self or Your Elf?
A while back, I wrote a post about the elf self. The elf self is a kinder, gentler name for the ego. It’s the part of us that’s cut off from our Higher Self. Or thinks it’s cut off from our Higher Self. Self – S(pirit) = elf. Get it?! Viewing the ego as an elf is...
Is There a Spiritual Cure for Sibling Rivalry?
Dear Meli, This is a little embarrassing. I know I'm too old be be saying this, but... My parents like my sister better and it hurts my feelings. And that's the problem! I don't want to be feeling this way. I want to be the bigger person and just let it go. But I...
The Alternative to Gratitude
Gratitude is big these days. Oprah’s crazy about it. Scientific studies are being done about it. Everywhere you turn, someone is extolling the virtues of having a gratitude practice – including me! But there’s an alternative practice to gratitude, one that no one ever...