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Is There Such Thing as Fate?
You know how something synchronistic happens, and it seems as though forces larger than you are crafting the whole thing? Like some mystical, magic Overlord is behind the curtain of material illusion, pulling the proper levers and crafting the circumstances of your...
Are You Accessing This Superpower?
When I first discovered that Spirit is real, that there’s a Power greater than me that’s responsive to my thoughts and beliefs, it blew my mind. This awareness led me to a bunch of wonderful tools that help me work with this Power to create a better life for myself...
What’s the Connection Between Physical Pain and Emotions?
Dear Meli, Do you have any ideas or advice about the connection between physical healing and emotional pain? I have a very difficult relationship with an old friend. In recent years, she has become more and more abusive. So much so, I recently stepped back from the...
How Can I Heal My Shame?
Dear Meli, I have been a long time meditator and spiritual seeker. While this work has helped my life immensely, there's one aspect of myself that stubbornly remains. That aspect is shame. I definitely feel better about myself than when I was younger. But I still feel...
How Can I Feel Worthy of Abundance?
Dear Meli, I have been doing a lot of work on abundance lately. This might seem strange for people who know me, because if you look at my life you'd think I'm pretty abundant. But I'm doing prosperity work because I don't feel worthy of my abundance. A lot of my...
Change Your Clothing, Change Your Life
If you’re worried that this is one of those makeover posts where I tell you to start wearing power suits and pumps, don’t worry. I’m not going to do that! Unless power suits and pumps are part of the journey I’m going to talk about. In that case, power suits and pumps...
How to Cut Through the World’s Chatter
There’s a lot of chatter in the world. As I write this, we are moving through the end stages of a particularly stressful and contentious election in the United States. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s hard to find myself in the midst of the chatter. What’s...
How Can I Stop Judging My Family for Their Politics?
Dear Meli, It's been an intense couple of months, what with the election and Covid. But in my family, the intensity has been going on for four years. My family of origin and I have very different political views. We tried to have civil discussions, but we found it...
Why the Mind Is Full of #$%@
The mind is logically illogical. It seems to give us good information, but it’s based on limited data. Intuition, on the other hand, is illogically logical. Even if it doesn’t make sense, our intuition always steers us in the right direction.
How Do I Handle My Stress About Politics?
Dear Meli, I've been very upset about politics. There's so much hatred and divisiveness and it's really stressing me out. I'm trying not to watch the news too much, but then I also get more worried when I'm not paying attention to what's going on. It's also been...
The Magic List That Keeps My Vibe High
If you’re one of those folks that sees no relationship between ‘lists’ and ‘high vibes,’ I’m right there with you. Years ago, I stopped making lists because I found that they turned me into someone who focused primarily on The List and lost perspective about what The...
Is It Okay to Cut Family Members Out of Your Life?
Dear Meli, I have a cousin who is very difficult for me. He is younger than me, and is the baby of his family. I'm the oldest in mine, and have looked out for him a lot of my life, especially since both of his parents died about 10 years ago. However, I'm starting to...