Dear Meli,

It’s been an intense couple of months, what with the election and Covid. But in my family, the intensity has been going on for four years. My family of origin and I have very different political views. We tried to have civil discussions, but we found it wasn’t possible. Now, we don’t discuss politics. This mostly works well. But, I have to admit, I have so much judgment toward them for their views. Do you have any suggestions for me about how to release my judgment?

Jaded and Judgy

Dear Judgy,

Times have been especially difficult for many of us, in the exact way you describe. I have talked to many people who are upset by the political views of friends and family. Many of them have chosen to limit contact with people it’s difficult to be with. This can be heart-breaking and confusing.

For me, it comes down to taking care of my personal energy. As much as possible, I prefer to spend time with people who, after I leave them, make me I feel better. Happier. More expanded.

Here’s why:

I believe my personal vibration is a creative power that plays a tremendous part in how my life is, and is becoming. (I would rather use a less woo woo word than vibration, here. But it’s the most descriptive one I can find. So please forgive me.)

If I spend time with someone and feel terrible afterwards, it’s not helpful for me. If I notice that I have this experience regularly with a particular person or persons, I reevaluate my choices. I ask myself why I’m choosing to spend my time in a way that downgrades my vibrational field.

Sometimes I get a decent answer. One that makes me choose to continue to spend time with this person, but maybe limit the amount. But I often discover, in this line of inquiry, that the relationship was built on a me that no longer exists, or on common values we no longer share. And I prioritize my vibration.

Sometimes I come to the latter conclusion regarding someone I still care deeply for and about. Those situations can feel especially difficult to navigate emotionally. In those times, I make it a spiritual practice to remain aware of my love for them, even as I choose less (or no) contact.

That said, I also think it’s important for us to be able to have conversations with folks who believe differently than we do. If for no other reason than to observe the beautiful diversity of Spirit’s creations. There will always be people with different views than mine. But we are made by the same One, and loved infinitely by this One. Indeed, we are of and in the same One, scientifically speaking. And if I am upset by their ideas, I try to see how compassionate I can become. Can I become more curious and ask them more questions? Can I truly have a desire to understand?

I am not always successful at this, by the way. But it’s a beautiful practice! Because, when I am successful at it, I always land at a common ground of some kind. It doesn’t mean I’ll want to have the person become my new best friend. But it can grow my capacity to love. And that, in my opinion, is what I am here on the planet to do.

This may sound like I’m saying two different things. And I guess I am. And I think both are important. Thus, again, the paradox. Metaphysics is filled with it! It can be hard sometimes for our smaller egoic based minds to hold it all. But when we’re unable to hold the paradox, we are more apt to fall into an us vs. them mindset. What follows? A country, or a family, or structure divided. And a divided country, family, or structure is a weak one.

So here’s to the paradox of self-care and inquiry. And here’s to your vibration!

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


What is your experience with family and judgment? Share your comments below!

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