Dear Meli,

I know that a lot of people are having a really hard time these days. People are dying. People are losing their jobs. People are super stressed out. I am definitely feeling for all those folks that are having a hard time right now, and …. This whole Corona Virus thing is probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m an introvert, so I love being able to stay home and chill. I’m getting more work done. I feel a sense of peace that I haven’t felt in a long time. But I also feel like I have to stay really quiet about how well I’m doing, because I don’t want to annoy others! Any thoughts on this?

Chillin’ With Corona

Dear Chillin’,

Don’t tell anyone, okay? But me too!

So, here’s the thing. Everyone is sure to have their own experience of this time, right?

I, too, am an introvert. And a bit of a creativity junky. So I am appreciating much of the stay-at-home part of things. I have friends and family I love. And I sometimes feel like I really wanna just hug them. But, at the same time, being with others can be pretty stressful for me. And staying at home with just Z and Max? Pretty darned chill over here. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying I would prefer what’s going on in the world today to keep going on! NO! Not in the least! But for now, right now, I am enjoying the more mellow pace of the world. I find it calming.

At the same time, I know that there are so many others who are not experiencing this time in this way! And I am not saying that I don’t care that others are afraid or suffering, let alone dying! Not true! My heart is breaking for others who are experiencing any of these challenges. We were all cruising along doing our lives, oblivious to what was coming. And then, BLAM. Life as we knew it stopped and we got this new one. Very strange.

So what do I do with all of this? I do my best to be honoring of others. Every morning and night, I pray for those having a challenging time, and for the world, and this whole situation. I send love and light to those I love and to the whole of humanity and the planet. And when I’m asked how I’m doing, I am sensitive to the emotional state of others. I tiptoe gently into the territory of honestly expressing that, so far, I’m doing pretty good.

But I have also heard feedback from others that Z and I navigating these times with joy and peace at the core of our lives is inspiring to them. It has given them a new perspective. One that allows them to imagine themselves walking through this time with greater peace, and grace. And by the imagining, of course, they feel better right away.

So yeah. That same old balancing act that comes from journeying through life as a light worker. Being a light in the world, and remaining aware that others can be uplifted by that light. And also remaining aware that – at the same time – some people may be hurting so deeply, the light hurts their eyes. In which case the best thing is to love them, quietly and gently, right where they are. Both and.

Also? You can celebrate your joy! In the privacy of your own heart and intimate relationships, and wherever it is safe to do so. Celebrating the good in the midst of this craziness is a beautiful balancing of Universal energies! Be the light. All that yummy good stuff.

Thank you so much for asking. And for your honesty.

Be safe, and be well

Love and Blessings,


What is your experience of being chill when others are not? Share your comments below!

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