When you think of increasing your prosperity, especially if you’re one of us woo-woo types, there are probably a few things that come to mind.

Vision boards.


Deep, intrapsychic explorations to root out and eliminate any and all blocks to receiving prosperity.

Fun stuff like that!

But there’s another practice that seriously affects your prosperity, whether you’re working on your prosperity consciousness or not.

The practice?


Increase Your Prosperity

Or, to be more precise, Not Complaining.

Increase Your Prosperity

I wrote a post on this subject a while back. In that post, I described my efforts to make it 21 days in a row without complaining.

Did I make it 21 days in a row without complaining?

Yes, I did.

Did I gradually fall back into the habit of complaining once the 21 days were over?

Yes, I did.

I told myself it didn’t matter. That my complaining wasn’t a big deal.

I rationalized that I had learned from the discipline of the 21 days and I probably didn’t complain as much as I used to.

And while that may have been the case, the fact of the matter is that I had slipped back into a habit that wasn’t doing me any favors.

At least, not any good favors.

Increase Your Prosperity

Then, a few months ago, I heard someone talk about the connection between complaining and prosperity. Or, more precisely, the lack of connection between the two.

The addition of abundance into the equation was just the kick in the pants I needed to reinstate my no complaining practice.

(And I’m not complaining about the kick in the pants! I needed the kick in the pants!)

Given that I already had some success with no complaining in the past, it was easier to adopt this time around.

And, almost immediately, I noticed an increase in my financial prosperity.

On those times I felt compelled to complain, I noticed that the moment I started to complain, I knocked myself out of alignment with Source.

No wonder the practice of not complaining was having such a big effect on my prosperity!

I also started to notice that the practice of complaining was a total addiction for me. Like with any addiction, I felt like I couldn’t help myself. It felt “good,” in a way, to complain.

But then, as addictions are wont to do, it always ended up being really crappy for me in the end. What with that whole knocking me out of alignment with Source thing.

Both Melissa and I are engaging in this practice, and we’re noticing that it’s not just our prosperity that’s increasing – it’s our overall happiness.

And it makes sense.

When you’re not complaining, you’re mostly talking about positive stuff. Even if you’re talking about something that’s challenging, if you’re not complaining about it, you’re exploring your challenge in way that’s productive.

All this positive and productive talk then sets up a vibration of Positive and Productive Power emanating from your core. Source can’t help but deliver to you more of the same.

Like, I see your Positive and Productive Power, and I’ll raise you ten fold. Twenty fold. Infinity fold.


I’ll take that over complaining any day!

So here I am, back in No Complaining mode.

And this time it’s not for 21 days.

This time it’s for good.

In every sense of the word!

P.S. If you want some tips to help you stop complaining, check out my previous post on this subject. (And if you don’t, I won’t complain!)

What’s your experience with complaining – or not?! Share your comments below!


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