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Dear Meli

Help! My Adult Child and I Have Nothing in Common!

Help! My Adult Child and I Have Nothing in Common!

Dear Meli, I am embarrassed to ask you this question, but it's been weighing heavily on me lately. I have two adult children, a son and a daughter. My son and I get along wonderfully. My daughter and I get along well too, at least on the surface, but it's hard for me...

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How Do I Stop Telling the Same Sad Story About My Past?

How Do I Stop Telling the Same Sad Story About My Past?

Dear Meli, I had a really hard childhood. In many ways, things are so much better now. I've come a long way and I'm grateful for who I am today. But there's something that still bothers me. When I talk about my childhood, it's hard not to lapse into telling it as a...

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How Do I Handle My Constantly Complaining Friend?

How Do I Handle My Constantly Complaining Friend?

Dear Meli, I have a friend I've known since college. I love her dearly, but lately it's getting harder and harder to hang out with her. She's always complaining. She complains about her job. She complains about her wife. She complains about her parents. Sometimes she...

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How Do I Release My Inner Grinch?

How Do I Release My Inner Grinch?

Dear Meli, I know most people don't agree with me, but I am not a fan of Christmas. It's become so commercial, it drives me crazy. And all the social obligations that crop up this time of year can be overwhelming. My family of origin is all gone, so I don't have to...

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Help! My Spouse Is Driving Me Crazy!

Help! My Spouse Is Driving Me Crazy!

Dear Meli, My husband and I have been together almost 20 years. Great, right? Yeah, it's pretty good overall. There's just one little problem. He drives me crazy. He's not abusive or anything, it's not that. He just gets on my nerves. The way he gets really quiet and...

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Can You Be Romantically Compatible With a Non-Believer?

Can You Be Romantically Compatible With a Non-Believer?

Dear Meli, I recently started dating a wonderful woman. I'd been in the dating pool for a few years since my wife died, and I didn't find anyone I really connected with. Until now. There's just one thing. My new sweetheart is an atheist. She doesn't believe in any...

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My Spiritual Community Blamed My Friend for Her Cancer

My Spiritual Community Blamed My Friend for Her Cancer

Dear Meli, I have been attending a New Thought center for about three years. Soon after I started attending, I met a friend there I'll call Tricia. Tricia and I became close friends immediately. She was smart, funny, and sensitive. About a year into our friendship,...

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I Hate My Job! But I Can’t Quit!

Dear Meli, I hate my job! It's boring and it sucks the life out of me. And before you say I should just quit, it's not that simple. I work for a government agency, and I've built up a lot of time with them. In order to collect a decent pension, I need to stay there at...

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Why Is My Manifestation Taking So Long?

Why Is My Manifestation Taking So Long?

Dear Meli, I ended my last romantic relationship about five years ago. Since then, I've been doing tons of prayer and visualization work about bringing in my perfect partner. I know they're coming - I can feel them. But sometimes I get discouraged. I thought they'd be...

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How Can I Prioritize Self-Care?

How Can I Prioritize Self-Care?

Dear Meli, I'm having some problems with self-care. Actually, I don't think that I have a problem with self-care, but my husband thinks I do. He worries about me. I'm a therapist and social worker, and I spend a lot of time caring for others. And I love caring for...

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How Do I Handle an Unsupportive Partner?

How Do I Handle an Unsupportive Partner?

Dear Meli, I recently started a plant-based diet. This diet is really working for me. I'm losing weight, I have more energy, and I'm feeling fabulous. There's only one problem. My partner, who is usually super supportive of everything I do, is not supportive of my new...

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How Do I Get Off Social Media?

How Do I Get Off Social Media?

Dear Meli, I am a social media addict. Facebook in particular. And here's the thing. It's not all bad. I have a bunch of pages I visit daily that offer me inspiration - including OhMyGod Life! But then, once I've received my daily inspiration, I seem to end up down a...

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