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Life in Z-D

What the Grand Canyon Taught Me About Abundance

What the Grand Canyon Taught Me About Abundance

Recently, Melissa and I went on a little trip. Okay, it was actually a big trip. For two and a half months, we lived in our van while we traveled around the country, doing inspirational talks and music at spiritual centers. It was a huge adventure, one that continues...

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How Can You Tell If You’re a Vibrational Match?

How Can You Tell If You’re a Vibrational Match?

There’s a really easy way to tell if you’re a vibrational match with someone. You each sing the tone of your fundamental soul essence. If the tones harmonize, you’re a match! If the tones clash, you’re not a match and you need to run away from that person as fast as...

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What I Learned From My Selfish Friend

What I Learned From My Selfish Friend

I’m a lifelong learner, so no matter how completely and horribly crappy something turns out, I’m always looking for the lesson to be learned from it. Take friendships, for example. I’ve got all kinds of friends in my life – those I’ve known for decades and those I’ve...

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How to Bring the Magic Back into Your Spiritual Practice

How to Bring the Magic Back into Your Spiritual Practice

How magical is your spiritual practice? Do you spend each day vibing with the angels and having earth-shattering revelations every hour? Or is it more like a comforting, background hum? For me, when I first discovered the spiritual path, it was more like the former....

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My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 17: The Upstairs Fireworks Show

My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 17: The Upstairs Fireworks Show

Our Guru Max the cat inspires us on a daily basis. We wake up and there he is, purring with contentment. He is a constant reminder of the beauty and value of communing with the Divine. In recent weeks, however, the Guru’s bliss has been interrupted. Indeed, every...

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My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 16: The Monstrous Van

My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 16: The Monstrous Van

A few months ago, I shared with you the latest enlightened teaching of our Guru, Max. Guess what? Since then, everything has been turned completely upside down! Was this the Guru’s way of keeping us on our toes? Seeing if we were paying attention? F**king with us? You...

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My Prounoun Is “She, I Mean They, Sh**, I’m Sorry!”

My Prounoun Is “She, I Mean They, Sh**, I’m Sorry!”

Some of you just read the title of this post and are now saying, “But Z, I thought your pronoun was 'they'!” You are correct. My pronouns are they/them/theirs. I define as gender-rich, and "they" is the pronoun that fits me best. But other people don’t always remember...

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My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 15: The Ultimate Lesson

My Guru Has a Tail, Episode 15: The Ultimate Lesson

Our Guru Max has taught us many things. How to surrender to Spirit. How to respond appropriately to inappropriate behavior. He’s even taught us not to leave our clothes on the floor. But our Guru’s most recent teaching is one that not only impacts our lives profoundly...

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A Spiritual Model for Creating Political Progress 

A Spiritual Model for Creating Political Progress 

What do spirituality and politics have in common? Anything? Abraham Hicks, one of my favorite spiritual teachers, likes to talk about the vortex of creation. The vortex describes the experience of being connected to Source energy. And when we’re connected to Source...

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Is There Such Thing as Fate?

Is There Such Thing as Fate?

You know how something synchronistic happens, and it seems as though forces larger than you are crafting the whole thing? Like some mystical, magic Overlord is behind the curtain of material illusion, pulling the proper levers and crafting the circumstances of your...

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Are You Accessing This Superpower?

Are You Accessing This Superpower?

When I first discovered that Spirit is real, that there’s a Power greater than me that’s responsive to my thoughts and beliefs, it blew my mind. This awareness led me to a bunch of wonderful tools that help me work with this Power to create a better life for myself...

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