Dear Meli,

I’m a good little manifestor! I meditate, I pray, I say affirmations. And guess what?! They work! Lately, I’ve been having lots and lots of demonstrations. Things that I’ve wanted for a long time – and have been praying and affirming for a long time – have started to show up. The problem? I find myself waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like, what’s going to go wrong and mess everything up? Do you have any helpful tips?

Scared of the Shoe

Dear Scared,

Goodness! What a fabulous time you’re in!!! Congratulations on ALL the hard, well-earned, blessings!

I can relate. At various times in my life, I’ve noticed that I was waiting for that same proverbial shoe! I know this can disturb the peace! Here are a few suggestions that might get you started in shifting this experience:

1) Take that fear into your inner work. Review where it comes from. When was the first time you recall noticing that when things are great, something painful follows?

I know that for me, this traced back to childhood. There were many less wonderful things happening then – and many more challenging things…so it would stand to reason that something wonderful would be followed by more challenge. My whole life was challenge back then! When I reviewed my former reality and saw – with my logical mind – the reasoning, I was able update my mind with a snapshot of my current reality. Because today? The scales have completely shifted and the challenges are unusual! Blessings abound. (YAY inner work paying off!)

2) Ask for help from Spirit in releasing the assumptions underlying the fears. I know that you already know this. But just in case you’re like me and you sometimes forget the obvious. It is all Spirit’s “fault” that this is happening anyway. So why not reach out to where the reaching came from?!

3) Continue to open to your next level of good. Remaining aware of what’s next to come in our journey of ever-increasing good can help us catch up with the transformation and greater good present now. It’s logically helpful for the brain to understand that you can’t have your next level of good unless it’s preceded by where you are now. It’s another way to hack the brain and catch it up.

4) Ask friends and loved one for support around this. In particular, it can be helpful to ask your innermost peeps how they see the changes in you. Also ask them what they’ve seen you do to get here! It can be helpful to see the actions and practices you’ve undertaken that have led you here. By seeing, in your mind’s eye, the pathway and steps you’ve taken, your brain and being can more fully catch up.

5) Stand with your arms out-stretched, palms up for a few minutes every day. And perhaps even say, “Yes! Thank you!” while doing this. This is a stance of open receptivity. It can be helpful to add movements to this. Happy dances are a great thing to do. They get the energy moving, even if the energy that moves was fear to start. The fear will quickly transform with a little happy dance!

Enjoy the fruits of your labor and the blessings. You deserve them. Each and every one!!!

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


What is your experience with the other shoe? Share your comments below!

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