Dear Meli,

In my years of spiritual studies, I’ve noticed two different contradicting ideas. Some spiritual teachers say that I’m supposed to surrender to Spirit and let It take care of everything. Other spiritual teachers say that I’m in charge of my own destiny, and I need to affirm what I want and let Spirit bring it to me. I can see the value of both of these ideas, but I often get confused about which one to follow. What do you say about all this?

Confused and Conflicted

Dear Confused,

Ah, yes! I have found this very question to be a rich and rewarding spiritual journey!

Not to add to your confusion, but I think both surrender and affirmation are important.

I personally belong to the School of the Spiritual 1-2 Punch. (Yes, I just made that up.)

I practice co-creating my reality by:

1. Visualizing desired outcomes for different areas of my life. As I do this, I leave LOTS of room for The All to fill in details. I go for the emotional experience I want to have. Usually this boils down to wanting to be blown away by how awesome that area of my life has become. Then…

2.  I surrender it to Spirit. The vision, the feelings, the creation of it…and all the details. Part of this step is understanding that whatever unfolds IS the answered “prayer”/creation process.

What about when what manifests looks completely unlike what I was wanting? Ah…that’s when I get to hang in there and continue holding to the vision and feelings, knowing that the creation is still unfolding.

And if, in the long run, my desire is not what unfolds, I trust that Spirit knows best what is for my highest good. My soul is on its own growth journey. I can’t always know what is best for the evolution of my being.

But I can practice faith.

I can practice the art of understanding that whatever transpires is for my greatest good. In trusting this, I am encouraged to look for the good, and find it, even when it’s not immediately evident.

The dance is to follow which of these is called for in each moment. Personally, I make the co-creation process – the part of the practice where I visualize and hold the emotions I want to have – as a regular practice I do most every morning and evening. I am also doing my best to tap into this process throughout my day as well.

And then I surrender it to The All.

Enjoy the dance!

Blessings and Love to you in all you do!

In Joy,


What is your experience with surrender? Share your comments below!

Have a question for Meli? Interested in a private session (in person or Skype)? Contact her at meli@ohmygodlife.com



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