If you’re one of those folks that sees no relationship between ‘lists’ and ‘high vibes,’ I’m right there with you.

Years ago, I stopped making lists because I found that they turned me into someone who focused primarily on The List and lost perspective about what The List was for in the first place.

Then we started OhMyGod Life, and there were soooooo many things to do, we needed to have lists just to get everything done. In order to keep perspective, I continually remind myself of the bigger picture of what the lists are for. This helps me be a servant to these Bigger Things – like Spirit, and Love – instead of being a servant to the lists.

In spite of this adoption of lists for OhMyGod Life, I still maintained a fundamental aversion to them.

Enter Covid.

Actually, the syndrome I’ll be addressing started before Covid, but Covid – as it is wont to do – accentuated what was already happening.

In this case, Covid accentuated what I’m going to call The Mad Men Syndrome. 

You know the show Mad Men?

A lot of folks love this show. It’s really well done. It addresses some interesting and important dynamics in an interesting and important time in American history.

Melissa and I started watching this show when it first came out because everyone told us how good it was. And we agreed. At first.

Then we started to notice that even though we mostly enjoyed the show as we were watching it, it left a not-so-great aftertaste.

We felt deflated. Depressed.

Not long after this observation, we stopped watching the show. I wrote a post about the importance of cultivating entertainment choices that keep you in alignment with Source. Choices that help you feel happy and flowing and alive.

Which brings me to my current list.

The list that was born thanks to Covid.

The Magic List That Keeps My Vibe High.

Even though Melissa and I have a commitment to high-vibe entertainment choices, Covid has given us more time to indulge in said choices. Because of this, we’ve sometimes gotten a bit lazy.

We’ve watched movies we thought might leave us with a high vibe that left us instead with This-Vibe-Is-Nowhere-Near-High.

At first, we thought this was no big deal. Just a less-than-optimal movie choice.

But the more we experience the Life Changing power of maintaining a high vibe (Hello, happy and fulfilling Life!), the harder it is to dismiss the importance of being super conscientious about what we expose ourselves to.

This includes our entertainment choices.

So we created a list. A Magic List That Keeps Our Vibe High.

Out short hand name for this list is Keepers.

They’re movies we’ve already seen that leave us in a positive, expanded state. Or movies we haven’t seen yet that are purported to do so. (I will even go so far as to research the plots of movies we haven’t seen yet to ensure that they will be worthy of our Keepers list.)

As we’ve started watching the movies on our Keepers list, we’ve found that some of them weren’t Keepers after all. Either we remembered them as better than they were, or my research failed to capture the effect the film would have on our vibe. Either way, no worries. We simply take them off the list.

Before the Keepers list, I was less inclined to watch movies we’d already seen. They were old news. No longer relevant to my interests. But that’s where I was wrong! A high vibe is always relevant to my interests! And once a few years pass, I barely remember most of the movie anyway!

Our Keepers are like little jewels that are always worth revisiting. Shiny gems that connect us to the richness and wonder of life.

Also, I should point out that this is our Keepers list.

For some of you, Mad Men might be first on the list. I mean, Mad Men is a TV show and not a movie, but you get the idea. Everyone has their own individual vibe, and their own individual preferences for what keeps that vibe high.

Also, maybe movies aren’t your thing. Maybe your thing is music. Or food. Or sports.

The purpose of this post is to encourage you to cultivate your own Magic List(s) That Keep Your Vibe High.

Notice what movies/books/music/fill-in-the-blank makes you feel happy and alive, and write down their names.

Refer to your list often. Use it. Add things to it. Take things off that don’t work.

(In the spirit of sharing, I’m including a link to our current Keepers list HERE. Remember, these are titles that raise our vibe. They may or may not raise yours. For example, our list has a verrrrrrry high proportion of Rom Coms, which Melissa and I are (clearly!) Extremely Enthusiastic about.)

Keeping your vibe high is life changing.

As your vibration rises, you easily and effortlessly attract people, places, and things that match your vibe. A high vibe naturally attracts more fun, high stuff. These days – and any days, really – that’s gold. It’s definitely worth the time it takes to list things that can get you there.

And the beautiful thing about a Keepers list is that it’s hard to lose sight of the reason The List exists in the first place. Use of the list transports you from “Meh Whatever” to “High Flyin’ Vibin!”

It’s like a magic carpet ride, in list form! 

Do you have a Keepers list, written or not? Share some titles/songs/things you use to stay High Flyin’ Vibin’!

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