No, I’m not talking about using vibrational currents to zap others and keep them away.

Though that does have its benefits.

I’m talking about using an awareness of vibration to be more discerning about whom you spend time with.

I’ve been aware of the concept of vibration for a long time now, but it’s only recently that the awareness of vibration led me to a major Ah Ha in my interactions with others.

Here was my thinking before my Ah Ha:

If someone is in a hard place, I need to talk them out of said hard place. I need to lift them up. If I feel drained and negative after I leave them, that’s on me. My negativity post-visit is a sign that I’m not as positive as I thought I was. I need to do more work on me to not get so affected by other people.

Here’s my thinking after my Ah Ha:

I exist in a certain vibration. I don’t need to label it as good or bad. I don’t need to label it as better or worse than others. My vibration is simply that. My vibration. When I’m around others of a similar vibration, it feels good. It feels compatible and peaceful. When I’m around others with a different vibration, it feels bad. It feels discordant. When I remove myself from the presence of those with a different vibration, the remnants of the discordance remain. But when I center back in my vibration, I feel better. And when I’m around others of a similar vibration again, it feels awesome!

Pre Ah Ha, there was a lot of judgment. Of both myself and others. I was hard on myself for not being able to help others enough. I was hard on myself for being so affected by other people’s energy. I also felt bad because I was putting myself in a weird Helper/Martyr role with those of certain vibrations, and then feeling exhausted by it.

Post Ah Ha, the judgment vanished. I realized that it’s simply a matter of compatible or not compatible vibration.

I don’t need to beat myself up for having a vibration that’s not compatible with certain folks.

And, more importantly, I don’t need to beat them up for having a vibration that’s not compatible with mine.

I just need to be conscious of how I feel, and be on the lookout for vibrational compatibility – or lack thereof.

Having said all this, it doesn’t mean that guilt doesn’t still raise its gnarly little head from time to time.

Guilt likes to say things like:

You should spend more time with X. They need you! Their life is a mess and only you could help fix it!

Fun, right?

I’m not saying we should never help others.

But not at our own expense.

When we spend a lot of time with someone with a non-compatible vibration, we get all fucked up adversely affected. Then we’re no help to them anyway.

The key is to find a way to stay in our own vibration when we’re around the non-compatible-vibe folks.

For me, this has meant shorter visits. It’s meant surrounding myself with light in the interactions I do have. It’s meant more emails/texts/phone calls instead of face-to-face. And it’s meant more time visualizing them surrounded by Love and Light and less time in their physical presence.

This last strategy is particularly effective. I’m able to help in a way that feels good. And I’m harnessing the power of the non-physical realm to support the highest and best life for someone else.

Bottom line, the awareness of vibration is helping me set boundaries with others in a way that’s less judgy and more nurturing. For me and them.

Is there anything better than that?

No, there is not!

In fact, it amps up my vibration, just thinking about it! 

What’s your experience with compatible and non-compatible vibrations? Share your comments below!


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